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Synod Day 3: A Little Bit of This…

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 24, 2022

News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

On Thursday Synod gathered for its last full day of deliberations. Pastor Romesh Prakashpalan proclaimed God’s Word on the vital calling of church ...

Synod Day 2: Do Justice, Love Kindness

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 23, 2022

News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

Wednesday was a sober and heavy day in the courts of the Reformed Presbyterian Synod, convened at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Ind. This was ...

Synod Day 1: On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 22, 2022

News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

Retiring moderator Bruce Parnell (Stillwater OK RPC) called RPCNA synod delegates to take their “marks” Tuesday morning in the worship of our ...

Synod Day Zero: Prayers For Revival in the Church

June 21, 2022

News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

Ruling and teaching Elders from across the RPCNA have been arriving throughout this (Monday) evening here at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, ...

Synod Preview: Called to Care for God’s Church

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 17, 2022

News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

Ruling-elder and teaching-elder delegates of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America will assemble for the 190th Synod on Tuesday, June 21. ...

Can It Be Biblical?

Nathaniel Pockras | June 08, 2022

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

Imagine that your husband dies and leaves an unmarried brother, or your wife dies and leaves an unmarried sister. If your spouse’s sibling is a ...

Chung On Taai

Nathaniel Pockras | April 01, 2022

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

During the final years of the Chinese Civil War in the late 1940s, our South China Presbytery was comprised of several ministers: some American and ...

The First Foreign Mission

Nathaniel Pockras | February 02, 2022

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) first sent foreign missionaries to Syria before the American Civil War, and mission work in ...

Virginia Churches

Nathaniel Pockras | December 06, 2021

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

If you look at a map of Reformed Presbyterian congregations in the eastern and central U.S., you’ll note that many are concentrated in the southern ...

NAPARC Meets in North Carolina

Ralph A. Pontier, NAPARC Secretary, and Drew Gordon, RP Witness editor | November 19, 2021

News /  World News /  Web Exclusives 

The 46th annual meeting of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) took place Nov. 9-11 at Shiloh Orthodox Presbyterian Church ...

In Search of Church Cemeteries

Nathaniel Pockras | October 04, 2021

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

Many older Reformed Presbyterian churches have their own cemeteries, and several other cemeteries preserve the memories of congregations that no ...

The Synod of a Century Ago

Nathaniel Pockras | August 02, 2021

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

Let’s look back a century at the 1921 meeting of Synod. Delegates met at the Pittsburgh, Pa., church building, located downtown on Eighth Street ...

Sorting Out and Sending Help

June 21, 2021

Web Exclusives 

Synod’s final day (June 17) at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Ind. was a day of judicial decisions, along with an election for board and ...

The State of the RPCNA in 2021

June 18, 2021

Web Exclusives 

Psalm 32:6-7: “For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to You in a time when You may be found. Surely in a flood of great waters they shall ...

Courts and Reports

June 17, 2021

Web Exclusives 

On Wednesday, June 16 the 190th RPCNA Synod reconvened for its second full day with devotions from Pastor John Edgar (Elkins Park RPC) on “The Gift ...

Big Decisions, International Voices

June 16, 2021

Web Exclusives 

After careful deliberation, the RPCNA Synod today confirmed a special resolution presented by Canadian RP churches petitioning to become a distinct ...

A Socially Distanced Synod

June 15, 2021

Web Exclusives 

Tonight the 189th meeting of the RPCNA Synod convened. And so did the 190th! Cancellation of the 2020 Synod meeting (due to COVID) meant that Synod ...

The 189th RPCNA Synod Begins Monday

June 11, 2021

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

COVID has changed Synod’s work too. After the cancelling of last year’s Reformed Presbyterian Synod meeting due to pandemic realities, the 2021 ...

Magazines in the RPCNA

Nathaniel Pockras | April 01, 2021

RP History /  Web Exclusives 

We’re familiar with the Reformed Presbyterian Witness today, but what do we know about previous RPCNA magazines? Several short-lived periodicals in ...