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The Lessons of Tragedy

Gordon J. Keddie | September 01, 2005

Theme Articles 

There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and ...

Marching As To War

Gordon J. Keddie | August 08, 2005

Theme Articles 

Sam Boyle, the late, great RP missionary to China and Japan, told me a story about a visitor to the Midwest. The visitor asked his host about the ...

News to Synod from the RPCNA’s Seven Presbyteries

August 08, 2005

Theme Articles /  News /  Congregational News 

Alleghenies Merger between the Geneva and First Beaver Falls congregations 2 new RP mission works—Purcelville, Va., and Gibsonia, Pa. Eastvale is ...

Transition and Affirmation

August 08, 2005

Theme Articles 

Major transitions at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary drew significant attention during the 2005 Synod of the RPCNA. This short Synod ...


Norman Carson | July 05, 2005

Theme Articles 

On that morning in July, I woke up really early. Perhaps it was the sound of the Big Thompson River outside my window, although that same ...

Lessons of Our Mission: Impossible

Beth Bogue | July 05, 2005

Theme Articles 

When the Session in Airdrie told us last spring that we were going to have a mission this year, I learned a new use for the word. Up until that time, ...

Glasgow Revisited

June 01, 2005

Theme Articles 

Sometimes eyes glaze over as kids listen to a story from our past. This can be deflating for us, the storytellers. We want our stories to pique their ...

Understanding Justification

David J. Reese | March 01, 2005

Theme Articles 

Approaching the Subject Theology, or the study of doctrine, has fallen on hard times in the church today. Some question the necessity of it. Others ...

The Reformation’s Midlife Crisis

David J. Reese | March 01, 2005

Theme Articles 

Our Reformed forefathers said that the doctrine of justification is “the main hinge on which religion turns” (Calvin, Institutes, 3.2.1). Yet ...

Should You Focus on Your Child’s Heart?

William Edgar | December 10, 2004

Theme Articles 

Four years ago in a sermon, I made a few critical comments about Ted Tripp’s book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Since then, I’ve gotten ongoing ...

God-Centered Parenting

Wade and Barb Mann | December 10, 2004

Theme Articles 

We eagerly anticipate the birth of our new little one, and when the day finally arrives we feel like it is Christmas. What a wonderful package we have ...

A Soldier’s Calling

Stan Copeland | June 03, 2002

Theme Articles 

You’re one sick puppy. How did you become a Covenanter pastor?” The tired old stewardess opened the decrepit airliner’s cabin door. ...

How God Uses Tribulation in Our Lives

William D. Black | May 13, 2002

Theme Articles 

It has been said that the worst thing about going to the doctor is that you have to take off your clothes. In this situation we tolerate something we ...

Perception of Evil

Norman M. Carson | April 10, 2002

Theme Articles 

My experience of September 11 would probably compare best with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. The assassinations of John F. ...

We Didn’t View It As a Sacrifice

Phil Hayes | April 10, 2002

Theme Articles 

Evalyn was born at home during a snowstorm in Cleveland, Ohio, on Mar. 3. 1912, to Lloyd and Elizabeth Link. Her father worked with Elliot Ness as a ...

Will God Bless America?

Alan Keyes | February 01, 2002

Theme Articles 

Alan Keyes, former ambassador to the U. N. and presidential candidate, calls Americans to consider how God will respond to their cries for security ...

‘GO’ Means Go

Stephen Wright | January 15, 2002

Theme Articles 

“You will learn a lot,” I was told. I was on my first trip to America. It was 1999, and I had just finished my studies at the Irish RP seminary. I ...

The 73 Years of the Covenanter Witness

Norman M. Carson | December 27, 2001

Theme Articles 

The Covenanter Witness, whose roots are outlined in the preceding pages, was born in 1928. The Witness continued the format of its predecessor, The ...

Blest Be the Tie

Norman M. Carson | December 27, 2001

Theme Articles 

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, always an articulate body, ready to engage in apologetics and to communicate its message to the ...

Terrorism Gives Rise to Religion-Based Hoaxes

November 27, 2001

Theme Articles 

Have you heard that the face of Satan appeared in the smoke of the burning World Trade Center? That French astrologer Nostradamus predicted the attack ...