Andrew Melville
Andrew Quigley | January/February 2018 Issue
Andrew Melville was born in 1545 in Montrose, Scotland. He was the youngest of nine sons. Orphaned in childhood, he was raised by his eldest brother, ...
Columns from the authors at Gentle Reformation published exclusively in the Witness.
Andrew Quigley | January/February 2018 Issue
Andrew Melville was born in 1545 in Montrose, Scotland. He was the youngest of nine sons. Orphaned in childhood, he was raised by his eldest brother, ...
Nathan Eshelman | November/December 2017 Issue
“The most perfect school of Christ…since the days of the apostles.”1 Many have heard these words concerning Reformation-era Geneva, penned ...
Warren Peel | September/October 2017 Issue
The name of the second-generation Swiss Reformer Henry Bullinger (Zwingli’s successor in Zurich) is not nearly as well known today as that of ...
James Faris | May/June 2017 Issue
William Farel was the spark plug of the Reformation in French-speaking Switzerland. He placed his faith in Christ while studying the letters of the ...
Barry York | March/April 2017 Issue
The last issue of the Witness reminded readers that 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses, an event used to ...
Kyle Borg | January/February 2017 Issue
A pressing need of our generation is to reclaim a right understanding of the church. We are susceptible to making the church far more complicated than ...
Andrew Quigley | November 30, 2016
On a recent trip to the U.S., I had the opportunity to visit a friend. He’s someone I’ve only known a few years, but every time I’m in his ...
Warren Peel | September 14, 2016
Picture two occasions: first, a sunny Lord’s Day morning as people file into church; second, a blood-drenched battlefield in a warzone. It’s hard ...
Rut Etheridge | July 15, 2016
Imagine a young boy ambling happily about his house when something startling happens, stopping him in his tracks. His eyes widen, his face contorts ...
James Faris | May 13, 2016
Perhaps the most historically memorable verse describing God’s people as His flock is Psalm 100:3. Psalters for centuries read, “We are His flock; ...
Rich Holdeman | January 04, 2016
Your body is a conglomeration of trillions of cells working to keep you alive. There are over a hundred distinct types of cells that are coordinated ...
Nathan Eshelman | November 02, 2015
The metaphor of priesthood is a metaphor for privilege, access, and witness on behalf of God. Whether we say the “priesthood of all believers” or ...
Barry York | September 11, 2015
Of all the metaphors the Bible uses to describe the Church, perhaps the richest is that of the Church as the new, or spiritual, Israel. Sadly, ...
Barry York | July 15, 2015
Many readers have heard Augustine’s adage, “He cannot have God for his Father who will not have the Church for his mother.” By these words he ...
James Faris | May 06, 2015
In 1979, Dr. J.G. Vos wrote: “When I returned from missionary service in the Far East in 1941, I found the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North ...
Barry York | March 06, 2015
In the flow of denominational history, periods occur where the church can be threatened and even overrun by liberalism. A look at the ecclesiastical ...
Brad Johnston | January 05, 2015
We have Abraham Lincoln to thank that each American knows that “all men…are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” But, in ...
November 05, 2014
Beginning in the late 1930s, the RPCNA Synod began a debate regarding the relationship between the Christian and alcohol, a debate that led to a ...
September 17, 2014
A hermeneutic that has captivated many in the Reformed community is often called Vosian biblical theology. Its fount has its source in the writings of ...
August 01, 2014
God’s covenant promise to parents results in amazing fruitfulness and blessing to His kingdom people. God used the heritage of Dr. J. G. Vos’ ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...