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Wisdom Is Pure

Kyle Borg | November/December 2019 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

Foolishness seems to be the order of the day. When you read the latest headlines, follow social media trends, or listen to the current political ...

Wisdom from Above

Barry York | September/October 2019 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

Over the next several issues of the Witness, the Gentle Reformation writers will address, one by one, the qualities of heavenly wisdom given in James ...

Minneola RPC

September/October 2019 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

The Minneola, Kan., Reformed Presbyterian Church was originally organized as an Associate Presbyterian Church on March 20, 1906, by a group of ...

Discipleship and Death

Andrew Kerr | July/August 2019 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

I was briefly spooked by a website predicting my death. I typed in details of country, height, weight, and birth, then clicked. In a few seconds my ...