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Heroes I Found Easily

  —Drew Gordon | Columns, Viewpoint | July 11, 2001

Everyone knows that the heroes of the Bible were tale heroes—fallible people but people whose foundations were built on solid rock and who were ready to be used by God in stressful situations. I wondered whether such people existed today, people like Shadrach. Meshach, and Ahednego, for example (Daniel 1—3). So I interviewed a few people from different churches. You wouldn’t believe the heroism I found.

Reporter: I’ve been told that you three are true heroes of our age. What is it like to be a hero?

Chad: I don’t think we are heroes. We just did what anyone else would have, Shak, what do you think?

Reporter: Some people credit you with saving many lives, giving no thought to the personal harm that might have come to you.

Shak: Personal harm? Was I really that close to cashing in my chips? Wow, I didn’t realize. I’d rather go while I’m riding my motorcycle at 120. I’ll have to he more careful next time.

Neko: Yeah, I mainly did it because I saw those fine-looking ladies watching. Women really find heroes attractive.

Chad: Weve gotten some great free stuff out of it, too. Reporter: Really? What kind of rewards have you been given?

Chad: I’ve been given a lifetime subscription to cable—over 1,000 channels.

Shak: I got a luxury SUV. Loaded.

Neko: I got a shopping spree at a men’s clothing store. I ]ook great. but I’m holding out for as much stuff as the other guys got. I’m considering a lawsuit against those other companies.

Reporter: Given the dangers involved in your heroic acts, would you do it all again if you knew what you know now?

Chad: No, I’d want more money next time.

Shak: And I’d get that contract with that beer company a lot sooner, while I was receiving all that free media attention.

Neko: I agree with you both. And I’d get an agent before signing a book deal or giving interviews. Speaking of which….

Reporter: I-I’ve been told that Congress is considering legislation that would outlaw the kind of heroic actions you took, if they are considered against the public good, even though such heroic actions might actually save lives.

Neko: Well, if it’s for the public good, we’re for it. As long as somebody thinks it’s for the public good, that’s something we really believe in. We want to be tolerant of everyone’s beliefs, not just some people’s. That’s what this country was founded on.

Chad: Can you take that photo now? We need to be at the book signing at noon.