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Agency Features  Category RSS Feed

Making a Change

October 18, 2009

Agency Features /  Publications 

In the life of a congregation, transitioning to a new book of worship song is a significant event. For a Reformed Presbyterian congregation that has ...

‘God’s Great Deeds’ in the RP Synod

July 01, 2009

Agency Features /  Synod 

There is something markedly noble when the church’s teachers and preachers convene in one place to confer on her collective confession, witness, and ...

Revival on the Great Plains

July 01, 2009

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

Tell us about one of the best-kept secrets in mission efforts going on in Midwest Presbytery in western Kansas. What is it called and when did it ...

A Huge Step Forward

May 02, 2009

Agency Features /  Seminary 

In Nov. 2007, the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) purchased a building across the street from the main campus for its new Biblical ...

Testimonies from RP Missions

March 09, 2009

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

A Blessing in my Childhood Last summer I had the wonderful opportunity of attending the RP International Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich. Coming ...

Short-Term Missions Making a Long-Term Impact

March 09, 2009

Agency Features /  Global Missions /  News /  Denominational News 

Growing up in the Winchester, Kan., RP Church, I was blessed from an early age to be surrounded by godly examples of Christian faith—from a loving ...

What’s a Denomination?

November 21, 2008

Agency Features /  Finance 

What is a denomination? People will answer this question in a variety of ways. Perhaps members of varying denominations will answer it differently. ...

Early Days of a Denominational Ministry

November 21, 2008

Agency Features /  RP Home 

In 1890, a member of the Wilkinsburg Reformed Presbyterian Church lost her hand. Unable to work and therefore unable to support herself, she applied ...

A Call to Shepherds

November 12, 2008

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Jesus and the apostles were returning from a time of ministry, in which there had been “many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as ...

Take-Home Value

Stephanie Adjemian | August 08, 2008

Theme Articles /  Agency Features /  RP International Conference 

“Every moment of life is a statement to God of what you think of Him.” Discomfort rippled through the crowd of 200 teenagers stacked in Calvin ...

RPI Retrospective

Drew Gordon | August 08, 2008

Agency Features /  RP International Conference /  Viewpoint 

I wondered at the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference this year how many photos were being taken. A lot more people have digital cameras ...

Close Despite Separation

Kalli Sterrett | August 08, 2008

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

My husband Bill and I live in Larnaca, Cyprus, where Bill is pastor of the Trinity Christian Community Fellowship (TCCF) congregation of the Reformed ...

Passing the Torch to the Next Generation

Heidi Filbert | July 08, 2008

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Alice Price originally thought it would be a great idea for her 95-year-old mother, Frances Montini, to carry the torch during Geneva College’s ...

In Life and in Death

Patricia Boyle | June 08, 2008

Agency Features /  Global Missions /  News /  Missions News 

March 15 was a warm spring day under a cloudless sky. The mimosa tree in the yard next to the Okamoto Keiyaku RP Church glowed with the brightest of ...

Confronting World Views with God’s Truth

Grant Van Leuven | May 05, 2008

Agency Features /  Seminary 

“In your heart, you know that God exists, don’t you?” This was the question that a seminary student asked his workout partner last year while ...

RP Students Find a Home at Geneva

Jason Panella | March 03, 2008

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

The initial consideration hinged on water. Theresa Gazo had been accepted to several good colleges, including Penn State, Purdue University and Geneva ...

Being a Missionary’s Mom

Irene Huizing | January 01, 2008

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

It was a January day when our daughter Heather shared with us that she had been asked to consider applying for the Cush4Christ mission in Sudan. ...

This Is Just a Drill!

Margaret E. Hemphill | December 08, 2007

Agency Features /  RP Home 

What possesses an administrator of a long-term-care facility to put staff and residents through a full-scale disaster drill that includes an ...

Meet the RP Students

December 08, 2007

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Twenty-four students currently at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) are either in the RPCNA or are in the process of entering the ...