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Sycamore RPC

March/April 2018 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

Though we began as a Bible study involving three families in the Kokomo area in 1983, the Lord patiently and intentionally built His church one stone ...

Book Reviews

Kyle Borg | March/April 2018 Issue


One of my goals every year is to read a few biographies. That is because biographies captivate us. Many of us as adults have been introduced to ...

Setting the Record Straight

Nathaniel Pockras | March/April 2018 Issue

News /  Denominational News 

When 13 ministers and 3 ruling elders opened the Synod of 1821, the RPCNA was a good deal smaller than it is today. There were 42 congregations in 5 ...

An Overflowing Blessing

Joseph Friedly | March/April 2018 Issue


I don’t have a remarkable testimony. Mine is not a story that amazes. It is, however, a story of God’s grace. And God’s grace is always amazing! ...

Why Geneva? Why Now?

Dr. Calvin L. Troup | March/April 2018 Issue

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

At a presbytery family conference last summer, my family enjoyed a meal with friends who are parents of school-age children. As the meal was wrapping ...

My Field of Thorns

Drew Gordon | March/April 2018 Issue


Bill Edgar’s article focusing on teaching life-giving truths to our children reminded me how much I’ve learned from the book of Proverbs, even as ...

Shawnee RPC

January/February 2018 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

On Nov. 29, 1974, a service of dedication was conducted as the Kansas City and Olathe, Kan., RP congregations merged to form the Reformed Presbyterian ...

A Complete Savior

Kit Swartz | January/February 2018 Issue

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 139 is often and rightly referenced when declaring that human life unequivocally begins at conception. But it is critical that we understand the ...