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A Particular Grace

Chris Mathews | September/October 2018 Issue

Agency Features /  Geneva College 

Geneva College has always been a familiar place to me, despite the fact that I grew up almost 1,000 miles away and never visited the college until I ...

Movie Review

Drew Gordon | September/October 2018 Issue


Making a Christian film always seems to involve compromise—compromising on quality due to a small budget, compromising on theology to cater to a ...

Around the Church

September/October 2018 Issue

News /  Congregational News 

While Pastor McCracken was traveling for various commitments, including Synod, several men ministered to us: Pastor Lucas Hanna, of the First (Beaver ...

White Lake Covenanter Camp 2018

July 27, 2018


This year the White Lake Kids & Teen Camp is July 28 through August 3. Lucas Hanna, pastor of First (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC, will be speaking on ...

An Accidental Family

Jonathan and Dianne Schaefer | July/August 2018 Issue


I was raised in a Christian home. My father, John, was a physics professor at Geneva College. Mom (Lois) stayed at home with the children. My family ...

Good to Know

Kyle Borg | July/August 2018 Issue


Every now and again, in my part of rural Kansas, word will get around that some cows have escaped their field and are walking about on well-traveled ...

A Synod with Everything

Drew Gordon | July/August 2018 Issue

Agency Features /  Synod 

If you wanted to see the breadth of work that a synod of a small but active denomination can be involved in, this was the synod to follow. The 187th ...

Never in Vain

Tim McCracken | July/August 2018 Issue

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

Some providential interactions in the last couple of weeks brought home again important things about the privilege of ministry in the California State ...

A Songbook for Today

Dennis J. Prutow | July/August 2018 Issue

Learn & Live 

The Book of Psalms is quoted 79 times in the New Testament. There are also 333 allusions to the Psalms (Greek New Testament, United Bible Societies, ...

Know One Cares

Kit Swartz | July/August 2018 Issue

Psalm of the Month 

Who has not felt that no one cares about him or her? We feel like numbers in a file, cogs on a gear, or meat in a grinder; something to be used and ...

The Timothy Principle

Kenneth G. Smith | July/August 2018 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

Principles tend to lose their meaning and significance out of context. So, let’s get into context. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior of the world, ...

New Birth in the African Jungle

Michelle LaMay, Harry Metzger, and Jen O’Neill | July/August 2018 Issue

News /  Missions News 

When people think of the African jungle, images of wild animals, exotic birds, and snakes often come to mind, as well as thoughts of darkness, fear, ...

Capturing Blessings

Bryan and Olivia Schneider | July/August 2018 Issue

RP Living 

It is amazing how God works things out in His providence. We never planned on living as long as we have in Beaver Falls, and we never planned on ...

Walton RPC

July/August 2018 Issue

Congregation of the Month 

The U.S. Civil War began in spring 1861. That fall, a new congregation of the RPCNA was organized in upstate New York. Walton RPC began with 19 ...