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Shawnee RPC

Congregation of the Month

Location: Shawnee, Kan.

Presbytery: Midwest

Organization: 1974

Membership: 106 communicant; 36 baptized

Elders: Paul Finley, provisional moderator; Dennis Wing, clerk; Bill Boyle; and Kevin Dennis


On Nov. 29, 1974, a service of dedication was conducted as the Kansas City and Olathe, Kan., RP congregations merged to form the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Shawnee. More than 100 years prior, Reformed Presbyterian pioneers first came to Kansas before it was a state!

The first record of RP settlers coming to Olathe was in 1857. The Olathe/Pleasant Ridge congregation was organized in 1865. In 1871, separate congregations were organized at Olathe and at Pleasant Ridge, but 20 years later they reunited. A church was built in Olathe in 1870, and the building still stands at 500 East Loula Street.

Covenanters in Kansas City, Mo., started services in 1888, and a congregation was organized. After meeting in rented buildings, the congregation bought a church building in the 1890s. In 1913, a new building was constructed at 4400 Wyoming Street and used until 1972, when the Olathe and Kansas City groups were led to merge and form the congregation now located in the Kansas City suburb of Shawnee, Kan.

With an average attendance of 121 in the morning worship service and an average evening attendance of 110, it is apparent that we value bookending the Lord’s Day with instruction from His Word. Wade Mann served faithfully for over 14 years as our most recent pastor before taking the call to Elkhart, Ind., in summer 2016. Since then, God has blessed us richly with faithful preaching from more than 40 men!

Our Christian education program provides instruction with classes for all ages each Lord’s Day morning and a program for youths in the evening. During the school year, our midweek schedule includes one prayer meeting per month, one week for session/deacon/Women’s Missionary Fellowship (WMF) meetings, and small group meetings every other week. We have four small groups, along with a Covenant Kids group.

Our congregation participates actively in the Kansas City Alliance of Reformed Churches (KCARC), a fellowship of seven local Reformed and Presbyterian congregations committed to mutual fellowship, a united witness for Christ, and promotion of the Reformed faith. Twice a year we enjoy worshiping with these congregations in a joint service.

For three years, our outreach committee has coordinated a booth at Old Shawnee Days in June. Nearly 30 people staffed the booth this year, and many contacts were made. Our recreation committee oversees recreation nights in the summer and our fall festival, which are also used as opportunities for outreach. In the past year, the elders have conducted two church information classes. We continue to seek the Lord’s leading as to whether we might daughter a congregation in this metropolitan area of over two million or continue to grow and strengthen the local work in Shawnee.

Our members are active in exercising—the exercising of gifts, that is (Rom 12:6). We have a number of committees: a precenting committee conducts an annual class to train precentors; a website and technology committee keeps us wired and visible through the web; a library committee oversees a nice church library, and book table coordinators keep our tract rack and book table well stocked; and a hospitality committee oversees dinners and fellowship opportunities.

Many in our church serve as greeters, nursery workers, and teachers. Our deacons are engaged in active oversight of mercy ministry and property stewardship. We are privileged to be closely involved in the Pakistan mission work, as Rev. Eliah Massey diligently supports that mission field. Several of our members volunteer with or are involved in Classical Conversations, Kansans for Life, and Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers.

Prayer Requests

• Pray that God would be preparing the new pastor who will serve at Shawnee RPC.

• Pray that God would see fit to raise up additional elders.

• Pray for God’s blessing in our outreach endeavors, including our ministry to our community, workplaces, and schools.