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A Synod with Everything

Transitions, Trials, Expansion, and more

  —Drew Gordon | Features, Agency Features, Synod | Issue: July/August 2018

If you wanted to see the breadth of work that a synod of a small but active denomination can be involved in, this was the synod to follow. The 187th Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America met June 26–29 in Marion, Ind., with a full and diverse docket of work.

You can find a full report of nearly every significant action of the Synod at (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4). Following are some highlights.

Last year Rev. Jerry Milroy received the moderator’s gavel from Pastor J. Bruce Martin, and this year Jerry Milroy returned it to Bruce Martin. In a rare move, a synod reelected a man who had previously served as moderator (the second time that has happened since 1950). The week’s devotional addresses on the theme of the steadfast love of God, beginning with the retiring moderator’s message, can be found on

Another significant transition took place the week of Synod, as Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary president Jerry O’Neill retired and Prof. Barry York prepared to take the reins. An ice cream reception (taking its inspiration from Dr. O’Neill’s favorite dessert) was held one evening for Jerry and Ann O’Neill. Also during Synod week, David Whitla was interviewed and elected to be professor of history at RPTS.

Two cases—an appeal and a complaint—required about one-third of Synod’s agenda time. First, Synod adjudicated the appeal by Rev. Bruce Hemphill of a presbytery verdict that had resulted in his suspension from the ministry. This followed a paper he had submitted for study that questioned the doctrine of male-only eldership. Synod upheld presbytery’s first charge against him, overturned the second charge, and upheld the suspension. Synod later published a report giving its reasons.

The following day, Rev. Ron Stegall’s complaint was heard. He had signed the Hemphill paper and also submitted a request for an “exception” to the doctrine of male-only eldership. Neither minister had been accused of teaching in line with their questions or views. Synod did not uphold any of the points of Rev. Stegall’s complaint; thus his case is back in the hands of his presbytery.

Last year, Synod passed a constitutional change that would allow latitude in how congregational meetings are run so that they could be moderated either by the sessions or by congregational officers under the oversight of session. That Synod decision was sent to RPCNA sessions for ratification, and the tally was announced at this Synod. The measure passed overwhelmingly (66 of 75 sessions in favor; 278 of 301 elders in favor), so it has now become the law and order of the church.

Stated Clerk Jim McFarland reported that the denomination grew by 1.6 percent in 2017, finishing the year with 90 congregations and 9 mission churches. McFarland was recognized with a standing ovation for his 20 years of service as stated clerk and treasurer of the RPCNA.

Pastors are needed for key works in Kobe, Japan (Kasumigaoka RPC) and South Sudan. In one South Asian country, a mission church has been established and the translation of Reformed books is ongoing. A congregation in another South Asian country celebrated its first year of public worship. An exploratory team is working in Liberia. RP Global Missions is discussing with the Central and South America Committee of Synod (CASA) how they might assist one another.

Discussion ensued of a joint statement of the Home Mission Board and the RP Global Mission Board that seeks to establish boundaries and mission philosophy given the increase in non-English-speaking work in the U.S. and Canada, immigration of people groups, etc. The statement also involved the Japan Presbytery of the RPCNA, which sent Communication 18-9 to this Synod. Both the proposed statement and Communication 18-9 were tabled until next Synod with the anticipation that these three bodies will have further discussion prior to adoption of a statement.

Next year’s Synod will be held concurrently with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pa., on June 11–14. The two denominations met concurrently in North Carolina in 2015.

Drew Gordon is editor of the RP Witness and was a delegate to this Synod.