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Virginia McBurney | August 08, 2006

Kids Page 

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” —Matthew 6:33 What kind of person ...

Around the Church

August 08, 2006

News /  Congregational News 

Flooding Affects Two New York Congregations Crown & Covenant (Owego, N.Y.) RPC Six years ago, the Crown & Covenant RPC in Owego, N.Y., ...

The Bigger Picture of Prohibition

Russ Pulliam | August 08, 2006


True or false: Prohibition was a failure. The average history book says true. In big cities, the attempt to outlaw the sale of alcoholic beverages led ...

De Regno Christi: A response

Bill Edgar | August 08, 2006

Mr. Chellis concludes that the idea of “nation” demands the “corporate conversion of the nations themselves” to obey King Jesus. In both ...


Dennis Prutow | August 08, 2006

Learn & Live 

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness….” (Gal. 5:22). The fruit of the Spirit includes kindness that reflects the ...

Sidetracked No More

Wayne Copeland | August 08, 2006


If I were to pick a favorite verse from the Bible to describe the special relationship that I have with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, it would be, ...

Highlights of the RPCNA’s 175th Synod

Drew Gordon | August 08, 2006

News /  Denominational News 

Officers’ Reports Stated Clerk • Modest growth was reported in the past year. Membership grew by about one percent, and there are 450 more ...

The Pursuit of Happiness

July 07, 2006

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Psalm of Lament Central Thought: Psalms 42–43 describe the psalmist’s journey from desire to despair and, ultimately, to ...

Bible Quiz

—Virginia McBurney | July 01, 2006

Kids Page 

Sharpen your pencils and get ready to test your Bible knowledge! Circle the letter that best answers each question. Then, match the Bible verses in ...

Around the Church

July 01, 2006

News /  Congregational News 

Syracuse, N.Y., RPC Andrew Schep, pastor Pastor Schep has been preaching through the Gospel of Matthew. He has also been conducting a ...

Has Rottenness Sidetracked Reform?

Russ Pulliam | July 01, 2006


These conservative Republicans were supposed to be different. They rode to power in Congress in 1994 on a platform of reform. Now they have turned ...

Befriending Our Neighbors for Christ through Language

Mary Jane Ward | July 01, 2006

News /  Congregational News 

John Kong had prepared extensively, waiting for just the right moonless summer night. He could not say goodbye to his parents. He was about to do the ...

Where Patience Comes From

Dennis Prutow | July 01, 2006

Learn & Live 

God promises, “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances” (Ezek. ...

What Should We Do With All the Embryos?

Richard Holdeman | July 01, 2006

Theme Articles 

When I speak on this issue, I am often asked what should be done with all the embryos frozen in fertility clinics. The best estimates are that there ...