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T he late Puritan writer Matthew Henry comments on Isaiah 49:23: “Some of the princes of the nations shall become patrons and protectors to the church: Kings shall be thy nursing fathers,…This promise was in part fulfilled to the Jews, after their return out of captivity; divers of the kings of Persia were very tender of their interests, countenanced and encouraged them, as Cyrus, Darius, and Artexerxes…. The Christian church, after a long captivity, was happy in some such kings and queens as Constantine and his mother Helena, and afterward Theodosius…. Whenever the sceptre of government is put into hands of religious princes, then this promise is fulfilled.”
American Christians, when they do pay any attention to church history, frequently lament “Constantinianism.” The church, so it is claimed, was kept pure by persecution but became corrupt when Constantine made it legal and popular in the 4th Century. When governments take an interest in the church, they only do it harm, it is claimed. The point seems to be that the church in America is fortunate to find itself embedded in a society with a secular government that makes a point of doing nothing to support the Church of Jesus Christ.
Nevertheless, the Word of God stands. Kings will be “foster fathers” of the church. One way governments have benefited the church is by calling church councils to decide matters of doctrine. Constantine called the Council of Nicea in 325 AD to meet outside his new capital city of Constantinople to deal with the challenge of Arius’ teaching that Jesus is not fully God. Against this early form of the Jehovah’s Witness heresy, the council declared the Bible’s teaching that the Son is of one substance with the Father. Every orthodox American Church accepts the declaration of the Council of Nicea, called and facilitated by Constantine.
Many American Churches also hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Catechisms. How did the Westminster Assembly come to meet? The English Parliament called it into being in order to establish uniformity of worship for the church based upon agreement about what the Bible taught. They reported their work to Parliament, but, like the Council of Nicea, were not told what to do other than to agree on the truth.
For Christians who believe that the way the United States treats the church is the best way, it is something of a surprise to learn that the confessions of faith the church has found most lasting stem from the “interference” of princes and governments. But such is the result of Christ’s reign when He chooses to bless His Church. He does it sometimes through kings and queens, parliaments, and presidents who themselves serve God. Christ calls the nations to cease their rebellion against Him and kings to kiss the Son (Ps. 2). And He prophesies that such submission will occur at times in history. “Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers” (Isa. 49:23).
So it has happened before, for example, in the calling of councils to defeat Arius and to write the Westminster standards. So it will happen again when Christ the King chooses to work in the hearts of rulers. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1).