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C. Lee Hutchings | July/August 2023 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

Every family knows to some extent the pain and reality of conflict. However, the children of the patriarch Isaac and Rebekah not only started a family ...

Praying at All Times

Theodora Brown | July/August 2023 Issue

Youth Witness 

Prayer is one of the most special privileges we have as Christians. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are allowed to talk to the Creator of the ...

New and Crazy-Good

Heather H. | July/August 2023 Issue

Agency Features /  Global Missions /  News /  Missions News 

Things have been crazy this year, but in the best possible ways. It’s May as I type this, and, so far this year, RP Global Missions board members ...

Floy Smith

Evelyn Kruis | July/August 2023 Issue

Oaks of Righteousness 

Ken Smith is a man who knows Jesus personally and deeply; and, if you ever get an opportunity to hear him pray, you will know this truth for yourself. ...

Verse and Virtue

Drew Poplin | July/August 2023 Issue

Theme Articles 

The judicious reader may appreciate the irony that the beauty of poetry is here defended with the logic of prose. But, just as an awe-inspiring ...

Day 4: “Landing the Plane” of a Church Court

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 23, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

The RPCNA Synod week wrapped on day 4. Delegates were spiritually refreshed by the preaching of Pastor Martin Blocki (North Hills [Pittsburgh, Pa.] ...

Day 3: Teaching Institutions and Tough Deliberations

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 23, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

The third full day of the 191st Synod dawned bright and clear in Marion, Ind. In our morning worship the beautiful text of 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 ...

Synods of the Past

Nathaniel Pockras | June 22, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  RP History /  Web Exclusives 

For many years, the RPCNA Synod has met at conference centers such as hotels or universities. Until the early 20th Century, this was not the ...

Day 2: Moving in All Directions with the Gospel

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 21, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

This engaging day began with an encouraging move toward Scripture through the preaching of the Word by Pastor Matthew Ma (North Hills [Pittsburgh, ...

Day 1: Kicking Off as a Court of Christ’s Church

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 20, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

The 191st Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America convened today on the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Ind. The ...

Presbytery News from the RPCNA

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 20, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

RPCNA Presbyteries met separately on Synod’s first afternoon; then everyone joined together again to hear reports from all six North American ...

Second Annual Pre-Synod Prayer Meeting

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 20, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

Synod delegates and visitors concerned for the state of the church, the nation, and their own souls gathered at Marion Reformed Presbyterian Church in ...

Remembering Servants of the Church

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 20, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

Early in its meeting, the 191st RPCNA Synod set aside time to remember the servants of the church who have died since the last meeting of Synod. ...

Reformed Presbyterian Synod Is Gearing Up!

Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | June 19, 2023

Agency Features /  Synod /  News /  Denominational News /  Web Exclusives 

The One Hundred Ninety-first Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America is called to assemble at Indiana Wesleyan University (Marion, ...