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Presbytery News from the RPCNA

Highlights from the reports of the presbyteries

  —Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | Features, Agency Features, Synod, News, Denominational News | June 20, 2023 | Read time: 5 minutes

RPCNA Presbyteries met separately on Synod’s first afternoon; then everyone joined together again to hear reports from all six North American presbyteries and the Japan Presbytery. Missing this year were congregations from Canada who have, in God’s rich blessing, formed a new sister denomination, the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Canada (


The presbytery hopes to add another two mission churches: River Valley Reformed Church in Beaver, Pa., (the work of the College Hill [Beaver Falls, Pa.] RPC); and a second in South Wake County, N.C., (the work of the First [Durham, N.C.] RPC).

First (Durham, N.C.) RPC was welcomed into Presbytery of the Alleghenies after last year’s Synod approved the transfer. The congregation has installed Teaching Elder Drew Poplin. Many members are new to Reformed theology; a good portion are first-generation believers.

Grace & Truth (Harrisonburg, Va.) RPC was organized on Oct. 1. The new session consists of Pastor Ryan Bever and Ruling Elders Paul Martin and Jonathan Bucher.

Birmingham, Ala., Mission Church offers the Lord’s supper to Selma RPC as often as possible, and there have been several social gatherings between the two congregations. A psalm sing was organized at a regional PCA church with local Baptists attending.

College Hill (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC elected and ordained an associate pastor and, just a few months later, elected six new ruling elders and five new deacons.

The Lord blessed Providence (Carnegie, Pa.) RPC with a new building. The new meetinghouse and its spacious wooded lot are an answer to many prayers.

Atlantic Presbytery

Student Ryan Alsheimer is serving an internship under Pastor Bill Chellis, and these two men, along with Elder John Cripps, labor half an hour north of Walton, N.Y., toward the planting of a church in Oneonta, N.Y.

This year Broomall, Pa., RPC marks 225 years as a continuous congregation going back to Jan. 28, 1798, at 5th and Gaskill Streets in Philadelphia, Pa.

Coldenham-Newburgh (Walden, N.Y.) RPC is approaching the celebration of 225 years of service to the Lord Jesus.

In August 2022, Christ (Riverside, R.I.) RPC was blessed to purchase an excellent facility only six minutes’ drive from their long-term rented location.

Elkins Park, Pa., RPC rejoices in the ordination of Hunter Jackson as pastor alongside John Edgar. Hunter is serving under the two-year Resident in Training program.

Great Lakes–Gulf

The presbytery bid farewell to three congregations: First (Durham, N.C.) RPC (transferred to Presbytery of the Alleghenies with the blessing of both presbyteries and the Synod), First (Grand Rapids, Mich.) RPC (disorganized), and Christ (Brownsburg, Ind.) RPC (disorganized).

Although Selma, Ala., RPC lost their church to the tornado that struck on Jan. 12, they found a few places to meet, including Selma University. Cornerstone Presbyterian has a smaller, unused sanctuary they are not using, so Selma RPC is currently meeting there.

Aaron Murray was ordained and installed as the new pastor at Marion, Ind., RPC on Oct. 6.

The Orlando, Fla., RPC session continued to work with Rev. Tom Reid on the development of a work in Gainesville, Fla., and recently session approved moving forward with another work in Celebration, Fla.


A new edition of the Japanese Psalter was published last summer, after 22 years of editing work since the prior edition was published. It includes all 150 Psalms, though 50 of the psalms are only partial.

Kita-Suzurandai Mission Church was closed in August 2022 after 40 years of its mission effort.

Kobe Theological Hall participated in the West Japan Division of the Japan Evangelical Theological Society, as well as the Japan ETS Association, and also took part in the work of a new Japanese translation of the Bible.


The presbytery gives praise for the Lord raising up ministers to shepherd His flock. Since the 2022 Synod, Allen Blackwood (Laramie), Robert Kelbe (Manhattan), and Joe Smith (Westminster) were ordained and installed as ministers. On May 19, the San Antonio Mission was organized as a congregation.

Tri-Lakes (Colorado Springs, Colo.) RPC changed its name to Black Forest RPC. They currently have a cohort of about 15 going through the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) Introduction to Biblical Counseling course, discussing it together every other Monday night.

God has recently blessed Springs (Colorado Springs, Colo.) RPC in the purchase of a building in which to worship. There is significant work to be done before they can start meeting there.

Grace (Columbia, Miss.) RPC hosted the November Missouri RP psalm sing with nearly 90 attending. In January and February, the congregation made two evangelistic outreach efforts into the campus of the University of Missouri. The gospel was preached in an open-air format and over 800 gospel tracts were distributed to students on each occasion.

Dallas, Tex., RPC is exploring and laboring toward a potential church plant about an hour west of the congregation in the city of Euless, Tex.

Stillwater, Okla., RPC is getting settled into their new building and community. Having put much time and effort into the physical building, they are now praying that they would be a warm and welcoming people.

The fellowship hall area of Topeka, Kan., RPC’s building is being used for Upward Basketball on Saturday mornings, bringing hundreds into the building weekly. Several elders and other members of the congregation lead a short devotion at halftime of the games.

Pacific Coast

Out of the ten churches and one mission church in the presbytery, seven are either without a pastor or without ruling elders.

Johnathan Kruis was ordained and installed as the 21st pastor of Fresno, Calif., RPC on Nov. 19.

Seattle, Wash., RPC elected and installed Pastor David Witmer on Dec. 9.

St. Lawrence

Resulting from the 2022 Synod’s decision to form the Canada Presbytery from congregations in the St. Lawrence Presbytery, the St. Lawrence Presbytery now has eight congregations in New York State and one mission church.

On Apr. 9, Fulton, N.Y., RPC held an ordination and installation service and officially became a reorganized congregation.