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Reformed Presbyterian Synod Is Gearing Up!

A Preview of the RPCNA Synod Meetings June 20–23

  —Brad Johnston and Drew Gordon | Features, Agency Features, Synod, News, Denominational News | June 19, 2023 | Read time: 2 minutes

The One Hundred Ninety-first Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America is called to assemble at Indiana Wesleyan University (Marion, Ind.) on Tuesday, June 20 at 8:30 a.m.

This means that many pastors (teaching elders) and ruling elders across the RPCNA are even today departing their homes and families to serve as delegates of the churches in the highest court of this denomination.

Delegates of the RPCNA synod will be reporting on and the RP Witness Facebook and Twitter pages day by day throughout the next week about news and happenings at this meeting of the highest court of this branch of Christ’s church. Please be in special prayer as many delegates will be gathering at the Marion Reformed Presbyterian Church for a prayer meeting on Monday night.

The presbyterian form of church government does not have “branches of government” like United States civil government. Instead, this “court” of the church has various responsibilities that involve law and order (legislative), oversight of church finances, boards, and institutions (administrative), and the handling of judicial complaints and appeals that arise through the presbyteries across the denomination (judicial).

We will be covering the news as it unfolds. However, today is a good day to feature just a few of the labors of love from ministers and members of the RPCNA throughout this past year. The RPCNA core website has been updated recently. You should go take a look at You can get ahold of your own digital copy of the RPCNA Constitution here. You can also get a sense of the various churches presenting weekly sermons online at ReformedVoice. is our denomination’s publishing arm. This year they initiated a new book imprint entitled Grassmarket Press, named after a revered place in Edinburgh where many Covenanter Martyrs gave their lives for the cause of Christ in Scotland.

Also this year, several ministers continued to work on the Jerusalem Chamber, a thoughtful and practical podcast working paragraph by paragraph through the system of theology and practical piety of the Westminster Confession of Faith. This is a useful podcast to introduce the thirty-three chapters of the Westminster Standards, and can also be a useful podcast resource for study classes.

Dr. Barry York continues to coordinate a broad array of Reformed Presbyterian and other writers at Gentle Reformation. Dr. York is the president of Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. You can see student profiles of current seminary students here.

These are just a few fruits visible across our denomination this year. Check back throughout synod week to see more of how Christ is animating his disciples across this denomination in service to His holy name!

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