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Where Men Defended

Jeremy Nelson and Raymond Dymond | January 05, 2015

Congregation of the Month 

RPC of Wyoming Valley Location: Forty Fort, Pa. Organized: Joined RPCNA in 2011 Members: 7 communicant; 12 baptized Pastor: Raymond Dymond Web: ...

What’s Our Problem

Denny Prutow | January 05, 2015

Learn & Live 

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. ...

The Soul of the Plowboy

Kyle Borg | January 05, 2015

Theme Articles /  Series 

In the glow of summer’s setting sun, I can sit on my front step and could, if not for the slight incline in the street, see the full length of the ...

Strengthening Rural Congregations

Wade Mann | January 05, 2015

Theme Articles /  Series 

There has always been a sort of rivalry or prejudice between city dwellers and country dwellers. Aesop’s fable of “The Town Mouse and the Country ...

Son of a Country Preacher

Drew Gordon | January 05, 2015


I was raised a country boy. I lived in the manse next to a 100-year-old, mountain-stone church building. Those properties were bordered by two small ...

Small Gifts Matter

Bill Roberts | January 05, 2015

Agency Features /  Finance 

The plot of the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life centers on the desire of George Bailey to never have been born. Through a mistake by his uncle, ...

Look Up!

Kit Swartz | January 05, 2015

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 121 Psalm Category: Song of Ascents Central Thought: The Lord is my keeper Key words: keep, shade A Song of Ascents. Psalm 121 is second in ...

Lessons in Rural Life

Emily Wood | January 05, 2015

Theme Articles /  Series 

You’re taking us where?” This was my reaction when Sterling RP Church became a potential call for my husband. “Sterling, America,” as it calls ...

How Can We Know the Way

Cassy Pikarsky | January 05, 2015

I grew up in both Roman Catholic and mainline Presbyterian churches, because my parents divorced when I was very young. I attended both churches in my ...

Great Healing in Sudan

Lisa Knodel | January 05, 2015

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

One day while walking to the market, Agau, a member of the Parot Church Health Group in South Sudan, came upon a woman crying outside her hut. Agau ...

Book Reviews

January 05, 2015


Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good, by Steven Garber, Inter­Varsity, 2014. Reviewed by Russ Pulliam. Mild-mannered and gentle ...

Around the Church

January 05, 2015

News /  Congregational News 

Congregations Gather to Celebrate Second Indianapolis RPC’s 50th On Oct. 16, 1964, the Illinois Presbytery gathered in Indianapolis, Ind., in ...