Voyage Across the Ocean
February 01, 2011
Dear Grandchildren, It was December 11, 1936, when I left Poland for good. The ground there at that time was all white with freshly fallen snow. ...
February 01, 2011
Dear Grandchildren, It was December 11, 1936, when I left Poland for good. The ground there at that time was all white with freshly fallen snow. ...
Dennis J. Prutow | February 01, 2011
We were in Colorado Springs, Colo. Stopping at a red light, we stared at the sticker on the car bumper in front of us. It asked this simple question: ...
February 01, 2011
That we may with “one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 15:6). My father lived for five years after an accident in ...
Gordon J. Keddie | February 01, 2011
Psalm 93 Psalm Category: A Royal Psalm Central thought: God is in charge in our world, however bad it may look at times; and He reigns over all to ...
February 01, 2011
Location: Mukonoso, Amagasaki, Japan Presbytery: Japan Organization: 1990 Members: 22 baptized; 16 communicant Pastor: Hiroyuki Kanamori, ...
February 01, 2011
When was the last time you were at a church service and saw a grain offering given during the collection of the tithes and offerings? Here in Aweil, ...
February 01, 2011
Births Morton, Peter Thomas, Jan. 27, to Jonathan and Megan Morton. Grandparents are Pastor Ray and Heather Morton of Sparta, Ill., and Thomas and ...
February 01, 2011
I’m going to miss this. I braced my foot against the spare tire lying in the back of the Land Cruiser as we swerved, honking and bouncing around a ...
February 01, 2011
Quinter, Kan., RPC Steven Work, pastor The elders, deacons and their spouses gathered in Hays, Kan., for an annual restaurant meal and planning time ...
February 01, 2011
Please remember your assigned mission church/missionary in prayer throughout the year. If your congregation and/or small group would like more ...
The only congregation of the RPCNA in the state of Wyoming is in Laramie, a small city sprawled across a broad valley along Interstate 80 where the ...
Though unfamiliar to some, since at least Augustine it’s commonplace to speak of man’s fourfold state: the state of innocency, the state of ...
Having grown up in the midst of war-torn Iran and in a strictly Muslim family, at age nine Naghmeh Panahi nonetheless heard the Word of God and ...
I recently learned that quite a few people inquire with the RP Witness for practical suggestions on how congregations can find encouragement for ...