From Here to Eternity
February 02, 2005
Psalm Category: Psalm of Trust Central Thought: Psalm 27 provides us with a realistic view of life in the land of the living (the “here and ...
February 02, 2005
Psalm Category: Psalm of Trust Central Thought: Psalm 27 provides us with a realistic view of life in the land of the living (the “here and ...
Bruce C. Stewart | February 01, 2005
In my view, state lotteries have paved the way for great increases in legalized gambling. They have promoted the notion of beating the odds, they have ...
Drew Gordon | February 01, 2005
On the return trip from Yellowstone National Park several years ago, my family and I charted our course through the historic Old West town of ...
Drew and Lynne Gordon | February 01, 2005
Quick. You’re online chatting with a friend about what your church thinks about justification by faith. What does the RP Testimony say? What does ...
Wayne R. Spear | February 01, 2005
The Westminster Confession devotes three chapters to the sacraments. This reflects not only their basic importance but also the fact that they were ...
Dennis J. Prutow | February 01, 2005
We have been connecting dots, so to speak, between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the last column, we discussed David as a type of ...
Virginia McBurney | February 01, 2005
In Genesis, God cursed the Earth with something His Son, Jesus, later wore on the cross. What is it? Crossword Puzzle J E B B ...
February 01, 2005
Senators Reintroduce Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act On Jan. 26, pro-life lawmakers in the Senate reintroduced the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, a ...
Heidi Filbert | February 01, 2005
On Oct. 28, 1892, 58 members of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church in Beaver Falls, Pa., took their certificates of membership and organized the ...
Tedd Tripp and Bill Edgar | February 01, 2005
The December issue of the RP Witness included a review article by RP Pastor Bill Edgar that complimented Tedd Tripp’s popular book on parenting, ...
February 01, 2005
Agreeing with the Reviewer In regard to the parenting methods espoused by Tedd Tripp in his book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart, (see review, ...
Rebekah Troup | February 01, 2005
In John 17:20-21, Jesus prays that His disciples would be one. We are called not only to be unified with people in our individual churches but with ...
February 01, 2005
Geneva (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC Bruce Backensto and Keith Black, pastors Following unanimous votes at simultaneous congregational meetings on Dec. ...
The only congregation of the RPCNA in the state of Wyoming is in Laramie, a small city sprawled across a broad valley along Interstate 80 where the ...
Though unfamiliar to some, since at least Augustine it’s commonplace to speak of man’s fourfold state: the state of innocency, the state of ...
Having grown up in the midst of war-torn Iran and in a strictly Muslim family, at age nine Naghmeh Panahi nonetheless heard the Word of God and ...
I recently learned that quite a few people inquire with the RP Witness for practical suggestions on how congregations can find encouragement for ...