July 25, 2002
In almost conversational style, the author has characterized and explained for today’s readers one of the most difficult OT books. Her ...
July 25, 2002
In almost conversational style, the author has characterized and explained for today’s readers one of the most difficult OT books. Her ...
Josh Wilsey | July 01, 2002
Summer is a great time for many activities you don’t have time for during the school year. You can spend extra time outside, enjoy time with ...
July 01, 2002
After fifty years in the ministry (nine of them spent in Syracuse), Rev. Kenneth G. Smith retired from the office of pastor June 30. A ...
July 01, 2002
On June 19, the China Gospel Fellowship declared that 34 of its evangelists mysteriously kidnapped two months earlier by a shadowy cult called Eastern ...
Gordon J. Keddie | July 01, 2002
What will heaven be like? We have seen already seen something of what we called “the geography of glory”—what heaven will look like (Rev. ...
Dennis J. Prutow | July 01, 2002
Worship is an approach to and entrance into heaven and God’s special, gracious presence. Just as God regulates entrance into heaven, He also ...
Laura Zimmovan | July 01, 2002
On Mar. 1–3, the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pa., had some unusual guests. Around 50 youth from Presbytery of the ...
July 01, 2002
Many weighty issues were brought to the 2002 Synod, and delegates labored long hours to complete the docket. Despite many official challenges, very ...
Drew Gordon | July 01, 2002
While I am no photographer, I do try to think like one. To capture photos that are of decent quality, I rely on a good digital camera to overcome my ...
The only congregation of the RPCNA in the state of Wyoming is in Laramie, a small city sprawled across a broad valley along Interstate 80 where the ...
Though unfamiliar to some, since at least Augustine it’s commonplace to speak of man’s fourfold state: the state of innocency, the state of ...
Having grown up in the midst of war-torn Iran and in a strictly Muslim family, at age nine Naghmeh Panahi nonetheless heard the Word of God and ...
I recently learned that quite a few people inquire with the RP Witness for practical suggestions on how congregations can find encouragement for ...