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Things You Don’t Miss

We all know people who are good public speakers and teachers.

   | Columns, Viewpoint | September 01, 2011

We all know people who are good public speakers and teachers. But there are some in that category who can speak about one particular topic in a way that no one else can–so much so that, even if they are speaking at a distance, you would consider traveling to hear them talk on this subject.

If I heard that retired RP seminary professor Dr. Clark Copeland was speaking on the covenants, I’d be immediately interested, even though I listened to him talk about covenants for the entire Old Testament history course at the seminary. He can elucidate the richness, cohesion, and beautiful power of the covenants in a way no one else has done for me. If I hear that attorney and OPC ruling elder Ken Sande is speaking on biblical peacemaking, I’m immediately drawn, because I know of no one who has studied and applied those principles like he has.

For me, the same is true of hearing Rev. Kenneth G. Smith talk about discipling. I’ve heard him speak on it countless times, and I still am enriched and motivated when I hear him again.

This month begins a series of articles by Ken Smith on the topic; so you can be blessed by him without having to leave your home.

In 25 years as editor, I’ve seldom given a plug for you to purchase another publication or support an organization outside the RPCNA. We might cover or review such things, but we consider informing you to be our primary task–you can make up your own mind.

Over the years, though, I have several times given a plug for WORLD magazine and God’s World Publications. Why? There simply is nothing else like it, and it represents what we as Reformed Christians say we ought to be doing. So many Christians look at the media and complain. Frankly, I tire of the complaining. The staff at WORLD had a different idea. What if we made the sacrifice to show how the news ought to be reported? What if we put our Christian world view to work in a constructive way in the mass media?

God has blessed their commitment. They are the country’s third-largest news magazine, and are in the process of becoming a news organization. So yes, we can do more than complain. We can support our brothers and sisters who are doing this work of helping people see that Christ reigns over world events.