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Seeking God’s Flourishing Grace

Trinity RPC

   | Columns, Congregation of the Month | August 01, 2010

Trinity RPC

Location: Wichita, Kan.

Presbytery: Midwest

Membership: 34 Communicant; 20 Baptized

Organized: 1997

Pastor: Adam King

In the early 1990s, a small group of families who had been making the weekly 50-mile trip to Sterling, Kan., to worship began a Bible study led by Sam Wilkey. The Midwest Presbytery appointed a Wichita committee to oversee the study, and in 1995 the presbytery appointed a Wichita commission. Later that same year, with the help of Dennis Prutow, the former Sterling pastor, and Mark England, we began to have an early afternoon worship service with a group of about 15 people. In 1997, the church was recognized as a mission and made a call to Charles Carroll, who served as pastor until late 2007.

The congregation has had many ups and downs with church membership, with only two of the original families still in attendance. Where the early years found us worshiping in a small Weight Watchers facility, we now lease space from a local Seventh Day Adventist church that has a cozy chapel for the worship service, plenty of classrooms for hosting Sabbath school, and a large kitchen and dining area for monthly fellowship meals.

We are grateful for the many men who stepped in to preach for us on a consistent basis while we waited to fill our pulpit in 2008. These men included our own elder, Rob Haynes, Ron Stegall from the Lawrence, Kan., RPC, and Jerry Milroy from Topeka, Kan. In fall 2008, after a year without a pastor, the church called Rev. Adam King, who had been serving as pulpit supply for the Sterling RPC. A few months later, he married Jessica, and we are truly thankful for their ministry at Trinity RPC. As a church primarily made up of members new to the denomination, we have been greatly blessed by Pastor King’s gifts of teaching and preaching (sermons online at

Without a permanent gathering place, we are often creative with meeting for fellowship and study. A local restaurant has been a perfect place for a men’s prayer breakfast, and the ladies in the church take turns hosting a monthly Bible study. The neighborhood clubhouse of one of our families has hosted an ice cream social, a couples’ game night, several congregational meetings, members of the Cush4Christ team, and, most recently, a visit from RP Seminary President Jerry O’Neill. The ladies of the church have established a plan to meet on a weekly basis for prayer.

The Lord has provided abundantly for our needs, and we look forward to seeing His plan for Trinity unfold as we petition Him for spiritual and numerical growth.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for grace to flourish under the preaching of God’s Word.

  • Pray for the conversion of several people we have had the chance to get to know (and those we haven’t yet).

  • Pray that God would cause those who are looking for a more biblical church to understand and unite with us in our testimony.

  • Praise the Lord for the good degree of peace and unity that has developed and pray it may continue.