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Rev. James C. Pennington

2023 recipient of the RPTS Faithful Servant Award

  —Louise Turmenne | News, Congregational News | Issue: July/August 2023

Jim and Ruth Pennington

Since 2008, the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) has honored 16 people with the Faithful Servant Award. The annual award recognizes the lifetime achievement of RPTS graduates and is presented at the annual support dinner and program. On March 23, Rev. James C. Pennington was recognized as the 2023 recipient.

James Pennington began his life in Beaver Falls, Pa. on Dec. 25, 1935, as the third of six children born to Benjamin and Verna (Herr) Pennington. He was baptized, and in 1946, at the age of 11, he became a communicant member of First (Beaver Falls, Pa.) RPC.

He graduated from Beaver Falls High School in 1953 and from Geneva College in 1957 with a BA in English.

Jim was a member of the 1957 male quartet known as the Covichords; other members included Robert McFarland, Raymond McCracken, and Wayne Spear. In 10 weeks, they traveled 18,000 miles, ministering at every presbytery conference and numerous RP churches. It would serve as excellent preparation for ministering within the United States, and for missionary work in Japan.

He attended RPTS, graduating in 1960, the same year he married Gloria Klingensmith. At the age of 25, Jim was called to serve as pastor of the Morning Sun, Iowa, RPC from 1960 to 1963. He then began training for his missionary work in Japan. He and Gloria served as missionaries in Ko-be from 1964 to 1966. They returned to the United States due to Gloria’s serious health issues.

Jim served as stated supply for San Diego, Calif., RPC until 1968. During this time, his wife, Gloria, went to be with the Lord.

He soon returned to Japan, serving in Okamoto and Tarumi, from 1968 to 1971, during Gene Spear’s furlough. He also provided preaching engagements for the Keiyaku Okamoto and Kasumigaoka congregations in Kobe.

Upon returning to the United States, Jim took advanced studies in missions at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS), graduating from that advanced course with a master of theology. While attending TEDS from 1971 to 1972, Rev. Pennington provided oversight and preaching for Chicago, Ill., RPC and also spoke at various congregations on behalf of the Foreign Mission Board.

A commission of the Midwest Presbytery called him to Winchester, Kan., RPC, where he served as stated supply from 1972 to 1975, when he returned to Japan.

God provided a new helper and partner in ministry for Jim in 1972 when he married Ruth McKeown. Their daughter, Amy, was born in Kobe, in 1975.

Jim was missionary pastor of Kasumigaoka RPC from 1975 to 1978. Returning to the United States, he became pastor of Greeley, Colo., RPC from 1979 to 1986. During this time, he served as a member of a presbytery commission to establish an RP Church in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Then, he became the director of publications and youth ministries, serving the RPCNA from 1986 to 1993. The job description included serving as program coordinator for three RPCNA International Conferences.

At RPTS, he was appointed as an adjunct faculty member from 1993 to 1995 to teach mission-related and practical theology courses. From 1993 to 1999, Jim served as pastor of Allegheny RPC in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Responding to a double call from Kasumigaoka RPC and the RP Global Missions Board, Jim and Ruth returned to Japan in 1999. He served there as a missionary pastor until his retirement in 2005. He also taught pastoral theology and missions at Kobe Theological Hall during that time. Jim served as moderator of the 2006 meeting of the RPCNA Synod.

Following retirement from full-time service in Japan, Jim served several congregations across the United States and Japan. He returned to Japan several times, beginning in 2005, for short-term service.

In 2009, Jim was appointed by the Orlando, Fla., RPC session to serve as the equivalent of a stated supply during an interim in pastoral leadership. Other opportunities for service at RP churches varied from a few weeks to several months in Seattle, Wash.; Walton, N.Y.; Sparta, Ill.; Las Vegas, Nev.; Sterling, Kan.; and Bryan, Tex.

Jim and Ruth live in Orlando, Fla., and are members of Orlando RPC. The church recently honored them, hosting a celebration in Pastor Eshelman’s home, for their 50th wedding anniversary. They have been involved in various ministries with the Orlando RPC.

Jim is now retired from pastoral work, and after serving for several years as a ruling elder in Orlando RPC, he was recently designated as elder emeritus by the session.

As the award recognizes, Jim has proven himself a faithful servant of the Lord. To all of us who know him well, he’s a stalwart man of God, a tremendous blessing and friend, as well as a beloved brother in Christ.