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Hiking Amidst Bible Sites

   | Features, Theme Articles | April 01, 2010

Pastoral renewal! Thirty years ago no one thought much about it. Sabbatical leaves were nearly unheard of. Now such personnel investments are encouraged everywhere. This is even the topic of this spring’s church renewal conference May 14-15 at Southside RPC in Indianapolis, Ind.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that four pastors joined Geneva College’s 12-day Israel Tour from Dec. 29–Jan. 7. Geneva’s Bible department (Dr. Watt, Dr. Shidemantle, and Dr. Curtis) taught Bible 301 and Humanities 304 (“Archaeology & Geography of Israel”) and then made it come alive on location.

We bussed, swam, and hiked the traditional sites of the Bible alongside these professors, including visits to 16 Israeli national parks, from the Lebanese border in the north to Masada in the south.

What a privilege to hear Dr. Jonathan Watt consider the agony of our Lord among the olive trees of the garden of Gethsemane! Dr. Byron Curtis applying the second commandment—“worshiping the right God in the wrong way”—at the base of Jeroboam’s altar at Tel-Dan (see 1 Kings 12:28-33)! Dr. Scott Shidemantle interpreting Jesus’ statement that “I will build My church” in the context of the pagan polytheism of Caesarea Philippi.

Most thrilling of all was the life-on-life ministry of these professors with their 14 Geneva students. Students and profs often pawed in the dirt strata of a biblical site together. The excitement was palpable at the temple mount antiquities salvage operation. From swimming in the Dead Sea to walking the David-and-Goliath battlefield of Elah Valley—enthusiastic students and passionate professors made this a trip to treasure. It deeply impressed—and renewed—these pastors.

Pastor Rich Johnston (RPCNA) with Pastor Bruce Gardner (PCA), Pastor Brad Johnston (RPCNA), and Pastor Dana Opp (EPC).