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Five Conference Connections That Changed Lives

In 2004, the Todd and Gazo families attended the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich.

In 2004, the Todd and Gazo families attended the Reformed Presbyterian International Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich. In the class for 5- and 6-year-olds, Sarah Todd and Katrina Gazo became acquainted. Back in those days, email was a rarity. With a little prodding from their mothers, Sarah and Katrina started writing letters, even though the letters were few and far between.

Time went on, and the girls became email friends. They became busy with many activities but still stayed connected.

One day, I had an idea and went to my husband, Mike, with the idea. Mike was always quite nervous when I said, “I have an idea.” This usually meant something that was a little crazy and involved spending time, money or both. I suggested that maybe those frequent flyer miles that were accumulating should be used. With not much enthusiasm for or against, the issue wasn’t discussed for many days.

Several months later, Mike had an unusual note on his Facebook page from someone named Tony Gazo. Tony had just sent an email to Mike to check on fellow believers whose numbers he kept in his phone contacts. Another connection to keep two girls connected! God was at work to preserve the friendship of these two girls, and He used their dads’ connection to make it happen.

In the fall of 2010, I made a phone call to Natalie Gazo, in Beltsville, Md. Plans were made for a trip by Sarah and me to fly to Washington, D.C., over spring break to spend time with the Gazo family.

As Sarah and I stepped off the plane at 11:30 p.m. at the Washington, D.C., airport, a bit of panic swept across both of us. What if they don’t like us? What if we are stuck in their house for four days and we have nothing in common?

On the contrary, God had a plan and the twosome from Iowa greatly enjoyed the many places we visited while in D.C. Sharing their love of following college basketball, the girls enjoyed watching the NCAA tournament championship game. Worshiping with the Trinity RPC was a great blessing as we connected with other believers and their families!

The summer of 2010 brought Katrina and her mom to Iowa to visit. Now the girls continue to keep in touch through the computer and occasional phone calls. The 2012 RP International Conference will prayerfully be another one of their connections.

The fellowship that we have as believers is such a blessing and something that many unbelievers do not understand. They are amazed that we connect with families we do not know personally, but we have a bond because of our faith and God’s providence. Praise God for His mysterious and wonderful ways!

–Lana Todd

Fifty years ago next summer, Sam Wilkey and Sue Robb became acquainted at the International Conference in Scotland at Wiston Lodge. He had brought young people from Sterling, Kan., and she was on her way home from teaching a year in Cyprus. They spent the next week at the RP International Conference at Carleton College in Minnesota. Then he went back to Wichita, Kan., to get his master’s degree and she went to Los Angeles to teach school. They were engaged in January and married the next August in Topeka, Kan.

For the past 48 years, they have lived in Wichita and raised 4 children. They are now enjoying 14 grandchildren! Sam taught at Friends University 41 years and Sue taught adult education for 24 years.

We praise God for His mercies to us into retirement and look forward to more years together!

–Sue Wilkey

Ralph introduced me to the (very extended) RP Church family at the 2008 International Conference at Calvin College. We had met online and had been dating about three months. After being introduced to or hugged by about 1,000 people, I was very gratified for nametags. Having been raised a quiet, reserved Episcopalian, I was flat-out bamboozled by so many wonderful, loving, new friends.

We were married about four months later with many of the same friends in attendance. I thank the Lord daily that Ralph and I met, and for the RP family, especially those in the Rose Point RPC. What a joyous change from my old stuck-in-the-mud lifestyle! Thank you all!

–Joday Joseph

At the 2004 RP International Conference we first met Tony and Norma McKeeman. Tony and Norma are originally from Northern Ireland but had spent time in Quinter, Kan. and in Ethiopia before settling in Australia about 25 years ago. In Australia, they were part of a group that desired a Reformed Presbyterian plant in Frankston, Victoria, Australia. When we met, I had a growing interest in Australia through our contact with Alastair McEwen and his family over the previous 20 years.

After the 2004 conference, Tony told someone he had met me and that I was going to come to Australia to be their pastor! Tony doesn’t claim to have the gift of prophecy, but about a year and a half later, in January 2006, most of our family moved to Australia in response to a call from the congregation there to be their pastor.

Nearly six years later God continues to grant me the privilege of serving as pastor of the Frankston Reformed Presbyterian Church–and the privilege of shepherding with Tony, who serves as one of our ruling elders.

Lord willing, we, Tony and Norma and our other ruling elder, Jonathan Blakston, with his family, plan to attend the 2012 RP International Conference.

–Ed Blackwood

During the 1950 International Conference my sister, Barb, introduced me to Ray Joseph as we stepped out of the car. He was talking to some guys and Barb said, “Hey, let’s meet someone from Geneva,” so off we went. I had one date with him before I went home to Florida.

The next February I got a valentine from him, and that began a long friendship. God had wonderful plans for us. That long friendship included letters, an engagement, a broken engagement, his dropping out of medical school after one year, and then going to seminary. Our lives were healed and we got back together the final year of seminary. We married in 1955.

We had over 50 years together, 5 children, and 24 grandchildren before Ray passed away in 2006. “The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it” (Prov. 10:22).

–Alice Joseph