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February 2017 Prayer Calendar

Prayer Calendar for February 2017

   | Columns, Prayer Calendar | January 25, 2017

February 1. Please pray that God would give Bloomington, Ind., RPC a united spirit and wisdom in the coming year.

February 2. Pray for Messiah’s Church (Clay, N.Y.) and the Howe family as they grieve the death of husband, father, grandfather, and elder Peter Howe. “The righteous will be remembered forever” (Ps. 112:6).

February 3. Give thanks that the Belle Center, Ohio, RPC was blessed by the day of prayer and fasting in September. Please pray that Jesus would see fit to use the congregation for His glory locally, and far wider via the internet.

February 4. Pray for the health and physical well-being of the RP Seminary’s faculty, staff, and students. Pray especially that the chemotherapy treatment undergone by Dr. Jack Kinneer will be effective.

February 5. Give thanks for the babies born to and coming into the Salt & Light (Longmont, Colo.) RPC. Pray for their growth in stature, for their health, and for their growth in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

February 6. Pray for the deacons of Manhattan, Kan., RPC to have wisdom in the financial matters of the church and as they approach mercy ministry oppounities. Most importantly, pray that their diaconal ministry will be used to bring someone to Christ.

February 7. Give thanks with the Russell, Ont., RPC for recent new visitors, and pray that these new families will be blessed as the congregation seeks to spread the good news of the gospel in neighboring communities.

February 8. Pray that God would bless Trinity Reformed (Wichita, Kan.) RPC’s new Prayer Society initiative, that they may be faithful to meet together for prayer.

February 9. Give thanks with Second (Indianapolis, Ind.) RPC for the election of Denny Prutow and Dave Mauser as new ruling elders. Pray for their ministry in the congregation.

February 10. Pray for the men of Enid Reformed (Enid, Okla.) RPC who are currently training for the office of elder.

February 11. Please pray that Clarinda, Iowa, RPC would have wisdom regarding the location of their worship services. They are now meeting in town, and they will need to make a decision in March if they should stay in town or move back to the building in the country.

February 12. Join Lafayette, Ind., RPC in praying for the conversion of international students who have been in regular worship attendance.

February 13. Please join Hudson/St. Lazare, Quebec, RPC in praying that they would pursue holiness in all areas of life as a congregation.

February 14. Give thanks for the work of the deacon board at the Bloomington, Ind., RP Church. Several important projects around the building have been completed or are in process. Pray that the work will be done well and that the facility will be used most effectively for the kingdom.

February 15. Pray for Lois Skubal, a young woman from Washington, Iowa, RPC who is in Australia for January and February as a short-term mission worker. Please pray for her safe travel and her impact in the communities in which she is working.

February 16. Genny Roarick of Oswego, N.Y., RPC, fell and broke her leg. Pray for a quick recovery.

February 17. Pray for God’s saving work in the lives of 50 1st–5th graders from the local elementary school in Walton, N.Y., who walk up to the Walton RP Church for Bible classes from 1:30–2:30 p.m. on Thursdays.

February 18. Give thanks for the Sabbath school class at the Belle Center, Ohio, RPC which is about how to start and lead a home Bible study. There is great interest in this! Pray that these lessons would lead to action, and that God would glorify Himself through people drawn to the Word written and the Word incarnate.

February 19. Join with the RP Seminary community in praying for the next generation of pastors, elders, deacons, and other church workers.

February 20. Please pray for traveling mercies for Ridgefield Park, N.J., RPC as many congregants live a significant distance from the church building. Pray that winter driving hazards will not prevent their gathering for worship and fellowship.

February 21. Pray for Dean Baldwin of Oswego, N.Y., RPC as he finishes his theological degree and goes to spend some time on the mission field in Africa. Pray for success and safety.

February 22. Pray for the young adults of Messiah’s Church (Clay, N.Y.) RPC, for their college studies, college transfers, college choices, and teaching internships. Pray that they would have academic success and experience growth in grace.

February 23. Pray for the covenant youth of Russell, Ont., RPC, that they will remain strong in the faith as they grow and leave their family homes. Pray that the foundation, that is Jesus Christ, will forever be instilled in their lives.

February 24. Pray that the saints at Salt & Light (Longmont, Colo.) RPC will show Christ to their community by the love they display for one another. Pray for increased sharing and fellowship among the saints throughout 2017.

February 25. Please join Second (Indianapolis, Ind.) RPC in praying for Ram, Asha, Padma, Nirmala, and Anjali Rao as they move to India to join the church planting efforts there. Pray for God to settle them in their housing and work.

February 26. Give thanks for the members of Enid Reformed and Stillwater RP Churches who live in Oklahoma City; pray for wisdom in reaching out to that metro area.

February 27. Pray that the members of Clarinda, Iowa, RPC would grow in their walk with Christ.

February 28. Pray for the Lord to be near to those in Lafayette, Ind., RPC who are battling cancer.