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Did Your Great-Great-Grandparents Pray for Us?

Congregation of the Month: Christ Church Reformed

   | Columns, Congregation of the Month | July 01, 2007

Members and adherents at Christ Church RP in New Hartford, N.Y.

Christ Church Reformed

Location: New Hartford, N.Y.

Presbytery: St. Lawrence

Organized: Mar. 4, 1999, as a daughter of Oswego RPC

Membership: 31 communicant, 22 baptized

Pastor: Aaron Goerner


Are Our Roots Your Roots?

This Christ Church was organized in 1999, but the RP Church in New Hartford goes back to 1837. In October 1837, the Southern Presbytery of the Covenanter Church recorded that the societies of Utica and New Hartford were formed into one congregation. We do not know who the founding elders were or where the church was located. Robert More of Lisbon informs us that New Hartford was listed in 1838 as a “non-contributor” to the Synod travel fund.

For reasons unknown, in 1843 the New Hartford church was disbanded.

Is it possible there are some RPs reading this who had great-great-grandparents who prayed for the work in New Hartford? Is it also possible that one of the ways in which God answered their prayers of 160 years ago was by raising up another congregation in His proper season? “Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him” (Ps. 126:5-6)

Our Church Today

When our church began, many of us were surprised to see so many familiar faces. We had often attended the same congregations as we searched for truly Reformed preaching and government. In their younger days, the Mehalic family knew the Ganzes, and Dr. Ted attended Geneva College!

It seems that we all searched for the right things. We can say with Apostle Paul in his greetings that we see each other’s faith increasing and can depend on our love and respect for the brethren. We have found a strong desire for more frequent communion and now have the Lord’s supper weekly.

Our worship, dinners, studies, parties, and CareNet work are always livened up by our many babies, youth, and an admirable group of college men. Our hearts hold dear that Oswego RPC, but we also look forward to the times we hear any of the excellent preachers of our presbytery. Pastor Goerner frequently explains Christianity to Muslims via email dialogues.

Oneida County— A Living Archive of Presbyterian History

  • We are in Finney country—the infamous “Burned-Over District.”

  • We are in Indian & foreign missions country—it began here!

  • We are in abolition country—the most inspiring leaders lived here.

  • We have the very first Presbyterian church west of Albany—founded in 1784.

Jonathan Edwards the younger came through the same year and formed his Congregational societies here. The gravesites, buildings, original documents and church records of so much influential church history still exist here. Very few of them have been researched—fewer have been interpreted biblically.

Our towns are friendly, our scenery is beautiful, and our church history sites are worth visiting—and we hope you will visit us.