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COVID and The Sixth Commandment

Letter to the Editor

   | Columns, Comment | Issue: March/April 2021

A concerning issue with the article “The Christian and the COVID Vaccine” (Jan./Feb. 2021) is the polarizing nature of it, especially in a time of struggle in the church as its members seek to honor God and love one another all the while holding varying viewpoints. How best to promote the peace and unity of the body?

While the issue “appears” clear with the exaggerated font of the article’s Westminster Shorter Catechism sixth commandment imperative, the issue is not equal in all parties nor without nuances and contradictions. Not only does the virus affect certain age groups and populations differently, but the vaccine is untested (or limited testing has been done) in certain age groups and populations. What about the potential adverse effects listed by the FDA? Are we still fulfilling the sixth commandment if one of these befalls us or others?

On the topic of aborted fetal cells, do we serve a God that is inconsistent with His character, or do we serve a thrice holy God? In the same vein, are we to condemn abortion with our mouth, but implicitly approve or countenance its products? “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph. 5:11).

“If we share with others in their sins, we must expect to share with them in their plagues” (Matthew Henry commentary on Eph. 5).

What about research on poor metabolic health, along with vitamin D, zinc, and selenium deficiency that all correlate to COVID severity? What about research linking poor metabolic health to poor vaccine responsiveness in the past? Research the risks and benefits.

—Leah Mann


Letters to the Editor should strive to speak the truth in love, and should not exceed 250 words. The editors will edit letters to meet editorial requirements.