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On short-term missions and Twitter

   | Columns, Comment | July 01, 2009

Too Short-Term?

You had a recent article (March/April issue) on short-term missions. Though some good comes from “short-term missions,” I wonder if it is biblical or effective.

Missions are necessarily long-term; it involves immersion in the culture and preaching the gospel as a congregation is built, which takes time. In Acts 13, the missionaries were top elders of the church at Antioch–Paul and Barnabas. Antioch sent 40% of their known leadership team. They sent seasoned, ordained men, not youths. The young John Mark was supposed to help, but flaked out.

If something is important in ministry, send people that are hard to do without. Where should young people serve, who want to do more? Serve within their own congregations; do outreach in their own area. Short-term ministry can’t follow-up. Locals know the area, can follow up, and local elders can oversee. Even for building projects, hiring locals is often a better way to build ...