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Attitude Check!

A page for kids

   | Columns, Kids Page | May 02, 2009

When one of our missionaries was a teenager, and he or a friend would have a problem that made him upset or angry, he’d say, “Attitude check! Praise the Lord!” This usually brought laughter and calmed the situation right away so they could deal with it sensibly.

An example of this was the time he and a friend were bicycling from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Almonte, Ontario. One night it poured rain and soaked their tent and sleeping bags. But their attitudes were checked and not dampened. They went to a nearby farm and asked to stay in the farmer’s barn. God provided.

Psalm 62:8 reminds us to “Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”

When you have trouble, fear, sadness, or pain, pour out to God everything that is bothering you. He will help, strengthen, and guide you through it all, as you trust and take comfort in His Word. God shows us mercy in times of trial.