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Around the Church

Dallas RPC, Rose Point RPC, Westminster RPC, and RPTS news

   | News, Congregational News, Denominational News | May 06, 2015

Andrew Silva and Romesh Prakashpalen (elders), Chris Manfreda (deacon), and Mark Koller (pastor)
Dallas RP Mission Church charter members. (Photos: Rom Prakashpalen)

The Dallas RP Mission Church became a fully organized congregation on Mar. 6.

Twenty-one elders and others from Midwest Presbytery gathered to organize the Dallas charter members (19 communicant and 14 baptized) into a fully organized congregation. (see photos)

Rose Point (New Castle, Pa.) RPC Charles Brown, pastor

Five girls from the American Heritage Girls Troop marched in the Veteran’s Day Parade in New Castle Nov. 8. The girls were Annie and Dora Brown, Ellia and Samantha McKnight, and Kelly Mershimer.

Lt. Commander Adam Zajac, U.S. Navy, will be relocated in June to Naples for a three-year stint.

Members making significant travels included Ralph and Joday Joseph to Selma, Ala., where Ralph sang again in the Choral Societies rendition of the Messiah in Selma. John Mitchell and George Jackson (Broomall, Pa., RPC) cruised in the Far East in December.

Nolan Curran has been promoted to Cadet Senior Airman in the Civil Air Patrol.

Shane Curran gave a slide presentation of his visit to Burkina Faso in Africa; and Lupe Curran, Ethan Curran’s wife, gave a talk about American Samoa and the Kingdom of Tonga at a homeschool meeting in January.

The congregation celebrated Pastor Charles Brown’s birthday when he turned 40 in March.

—Ralph Joseph, correspondent

Westminster, Colo., RPC Shane Sapp, pastor

On Feb. 8, Sarah Gahagan, as well as Levi and Kim Fox along with their six baptized children (Zoie, Adalyn, Tabitha, Felicity, Piper, and Ezra) were received into membership from other Reformed churches.

The Westminster women and friends enjoyed a baby shower for Jocelyn Parker in the home of Alison Wood.

On Mar. 25, an election was held for elders and deacons, resulting in the election of Paul Welander as ruling elder-elect and Alexander Greene as deacon-elect.

—Phyllis Wilson, correspondent

RPTS Launches New Web Site

RPTS has a new digital look! Launched at the end of 2014, the new RPTS web site has many new features and has been designed to work well on many of the most popular smartphones and tablets.

“A huge amount of internet traffic is being directed through mobile devices,” notes RPTS Director of Development Mark Sampson. “We wanted a site that would make the browsing experience easier for mobile users.”

The web site was put on a “digital diet,” meaning that clutter was eliminated so potential and existing students could easily find the information that they needed. Popular links include the library catalog and the news tab, which lists upcoming events. Also debuting under the alumni tab is the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal, a collection of academic works from various seminary faculty members.

Grab a cup of coffee and stop by for a look, digitally: