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Around the Church

Washington RPC, Syracuse RPC, and Sharon RPC

   | News, Congregational News | July 01, 2010

Washington, Iowa, RPC

John Monger, pastor

The congregation is happy for the new opportunity for Pastor John Monger and his family as they returned to the Rimersburg, Pa. RPC in July, but we will miss the consistency of a full-time pastor in the pulpit each Lord’s Day. The congregation is excited to welcome a first-year seminary student as an intern this summer.

Galatians is the current book being preached through in the morning worship services. The adult Bible class has studied Job and is currently watching a series by R.C. Sproul. The junior high and high school class has been going through thought-provoking studies of “hot topics.” The elementary class has gone through a series on various creation/evolution questions using curriculum from Answers in Genesis, and is now studying Pilgrim’s Progress.

The congregation continues to enjoy gathering together for times of fellowship. During the winter months and every second Sabbath of the month during the rest of the year, a fellowship meal is shared after morning worship. The most recent social activity during the week was a progressive supper. Four homes were visited before a scrumptious meal was completed.

Faith Keepers wrapped up in May after the 3- to 12-year-olds studied the first 12 questions and answers from the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The boys also did leather working, rocketry, tin punching and visited people in rest homes. The girls learned cross-stitch, tin punching and crochet.

Women’s Missionary Fellowship delivered goody boxes to college students and homebound members. This year they continue to study Idols of the Heart.

There was a wedding shower for Phil Falk and his fiancée, Joy, at the home of Karen Todd. Phil and Joy were married in June.

There are a few group Bible studies being participated in by members. The congregation hosted vacation Bible school in a new, over-lunch format this June.

Nancy Skubal, correspondent

Syracuse, N.Y., RPC

Andrew Schep, pastor

On May 2, the congregation installed three newly elected deacons: Robert Humiston, Steve Waldron and Marty Wright. The congregation also welcomed several new communicant members: Brian Flynn, Alma Malikow, Dave and Helena Revette, Victor and Margaret Tzen, and Amanda Waldron.

Deacon Emeritus Hugh Martin, a member of Syracuse RPC since 1944, has moved to Pittsburgh to be with his daughter, Carol Edgar, and her husband John. Hugh was honored at a reception on May 30.

Hosanna Keeley, correspondent

Sharon (Morning Sun, Iowa) RPC

“Shine with the Light of Jesus” was the theme for the 2010 vacation Bible school (VBS) in June. The Sharon congregation is the only one that sponsors VBS in the community of Morning Sun, Iowa. Arrangements were made to bus the children the four-mile distance from town. The enthusiastic support of Coordinator Virginia Johnson led teachers Sandra Wyss, Mara Orr, Wendi Lemmon, Shane Barron, Terri Hutcheson, Kathy Baird, and Joel Weyrick through a week of touching the lives of close to 60 children. Others who helped were Chris Robb (crafts), Judy Baird (refreshments), Wyatt Orr (puppeteer), Holly Harris, Dalton Shadle, and Sandy McElhinney (recess and general assistants).

Other summer activities include the monthly psalm sing with the Washington, Iowa, RPC and the summer family camp to be held the first week of August.

Evening Bible study groups continue to meet regularly. The women’s group completed studies on Esther and David and is currently studying the patriarchs. The other adult study group, which meets in the home of John and Roselea Smith, has focused on the book of Hebrews.

The congregation will have six college students attending classes in the fall of 2010: Emily Pilling at Geneva College; Levi Robb, Caleb Robb, Noah Robb, and Jordan Hutcheson at Iowa State University; and Samantha McElhinney at the University of Northern Iowa.

New Song, led by former member Louise Copeland, presented a program for the congregation last summer. Missionaries Dan and Natalie Faris gave a presentation about their work in Sudan in October. Pastor Jack Baumgardner of Clarinda served as communion assistant in March. Dr. Robert LaMay and Pastor Jeff Yelton have also led in preaching.

The Lord took several members home with Him during the past year. Harriet McElhinney, a longtime active member of the Women’s Missionary Society, passed away in July 2009. Paul McElhinney, an elder for close to 40 years, passed away in March. Pastor Ronald V. Good passed away in June. All will be missed by the congregation.

Terri Hutcheson, correspondent