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Around the Church March 2022

White Lake, N.Y., RPC

David Coon, pastor

The ordination and installation of David Klussman to the office of elder on Oct. 24 was a cause for praise. The last time someone grew up in our congregation and then was ordained elder was before 1960! God’s hand was on us then, as it is now.

David’s insight as deacon, and now as elder, is invaluable. We welcome his humble spiritual direction as it unfolds to serve our Lord. His wife, Shar, and four children, Isaiah, Micah, Eleanor, and Lucia, are a blessing to our church family.

We believe God is raising up additional leaders to enhance and re-envision His plan for us in the 21st Century. We look forward to utilizing the experience of our present leaders to complement the input of new ideas of a younger generation. David and others will play an important role in the sacred responsibility of continuing the ministry God has prepared for us.

—Kim Phillips, correspondent


Washington, Iowa, RPC

Daniel Drost, pastor

While the Women’s Synodical Missionary Society was dissolved by the RPCNA in 2013, the women of Washington, Iowa, RPC continued to meet as a Women’s Missionary Fellowship, with formal meetings on a monthly basis for several years. The pandemic brought a hiatus in meetings in 2020, and the group reevaluated its purpose. In early 2021, they decided to end formal meetings and simply meet as a monthly women’s Bible study.

However, they decided to continue to focus on missions, taking up a monthly offering for various missions and ministries and praying for specific missionaries at each meeting. On Nov. 8, the group participated in a fundraiser at the local Pizza Ranch. In exchange for busing tables for a night, a portion of the night’s profits—as well as all tips—went to the group. Over $300 was raised in just a couple of hours, which will help support mission work in East Asia.

—Sarah Todd, correspondent


Orlando, Fla., RPC

Nathan Eshelman, pastor

Last year’s annual church outreach program, Movie in the Lot, offered a Veggie Tales double feature on Oct. 23 to the delight of children and parents alike. The films shown were Madam Blueberry followed by Lord of the Beans. Child-friendly food and beverages were provided, along with shave ice and a safe and fun bounce house. Most of the attendees were families from our congregation; however, a few families from the neighborhood attended, with over 100 total participants.

The first Sunday of each month our congregation holds a fellowship meal after the morning worship service. Prior to the Nov. 7 fellowship meal, special mention was made for Tava Goerner, as she was leaving for the mission field in South Sudan. Following the evening worship service, the Eshelmans held a send-off for Tava in their home.

One of our young couples, Nicholas and Adriana Francoeur, moved to Colorado Springs, Colo., in December. We pray that God will fill their lives with a multitude of blessings.

On Dec. 26, immediately following the morning worship service, our congregation spoke via Zoom to our missionary family from India.

—Louise M Turmenne, correspondent


Jeffrey Stivason Joins Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals’ Board

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals ( announces the addition of Dr. Jeffrey Stivason to its board of directors. Stivason is the pastor of Grace (Gibsonia, Pa.) RPC, and he also serves as professor of New Testament studies for Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

“Jeff has been doing a great job for us as senior editor of our online magazine,,” said Alliance Executive Director Bob Brady. “We are privileged to now have him also join our board leadership.”

Headquartered in Lancaster, Pa., the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of pastors, scholars, and churchmen who hold to the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and who proclaim biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in today’s church.