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Are You Needed There?

The struggle to use what I knew led me to short-term missions

   | Columns, Youth Witness | November 01, 2012

Being a Reformed Presbyterian pastor’s kid is a blessing and a challenge at the same time. Growing up with a vast amount of biblical teaching around me helped to strengthen me spiritually. However, the struggle was to use all that knowledge and truth to cultivate my own faith in Christ, rather than to try to hide behind my parents’ salvation for the redemption of my soul.

This truth is something young people growing up in the church must come to grips with at one point or another. The more I understood the truth of the gospel, the greater my yearning to serve Christ and His church. That was my intention in participating in short-term missions this summer, and I hope to encourage others to participate in future years.

Graciously the Lord provided a way for me to travel to Nantes, France, with Reformed Presbyterian Missions this past June and July. Through RP Missions I also served as a counselor at White Lake Covenanter Camp in New York. Trust me, I know what is possibly going through some people’s minds when I tell them I was in France for a month: “France? Hasn’t the gospel been there for a long time? I bet with the Eiffel Tower and so many famous sights that it was more like a vacation than anything else! Are you really needed there?”
My answer is yes!

There has been an established church in France since around the second century. This shouldn’t be surprising since the Apostle Paul spoke of going to Spain, a neighbor to France. I think of vacation as a time of rest, a way to be amused and entertained. Because I wasn’t using my time to rest and entertain myself, I hardly view my time as a vacation. And there really is a need for the gospel! The RP Church in France needs and desires all the helpful encouragement you can give them!

When going on a short-term missions trip you might easily think that there would be no spiritual challenges, tests, or discouragements. I would say otherwise! Satan always opposes what is good, hoping to erode our motivation to fulfill God’s will and further His kingdom. Expect opposition. Expect it from the world, from the people you are helping, from members of the church where you are serving, and even from team members who might question you too. My beliefs and political views were openly questioned and challenged this summer. This was surprising at the time, but now I thank God for His presenting challenges in my life, because they only made me stronger in Him. My faith was already my own but now I can defend it and express why I hold to my particular beliefs.

Now I challenge you to pray and ask the Lord to strengthen you and your relationship with Him. Ask if He is calling you to help others by being involved with RP Missions. Go to your elders and ask if they see the Lord leading you that way. I pray the Lord has placed serving His church on your heart, whether it be in France or another mission field in need of youth. Your service may even be through your loving prayer and financial support at home, enabling those taking up this difficult task.

Praise the Lord for your service! You won’t regret it, and God will bless you for it.

Sidney Camery is a member of Sycamore RPC in Kokomo, Ind., and a recent graduate of Sycamore Covenant Academy. She plans to study French at Indiana Wesleyan University and is committing her life to full-time Christian ministry.