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Youth Witness  Category RSS Feed

Summers Abroad

Nathanael Planalp | January/February 2017 Issue

Youth Witness 

Summer is on the way, despite what the bitter winter will let you know. Summer is always on our young adult minds for a variety of reasons: work, ...

Friends and Faithfulness Beyond Senior Year

Katrina Gazo | July 15, 2016

Youth Witness 

Now that it’s over, I can speak from experience. Senior year is weird. It is also a lot of fun: an easier school load (because you’re almost done, ...

The Graduate and the Gap

Taylor Dymond | May 13, 2016

Youth Witness 

You made it! After over a decade of education, complete with countless mathematical calculations and English essays, you are ready to graduate from ...

Justification and Murder in the Dark

Mirthe Ophoff | March 02, 2016

Youth Witness 

Youth Conference. According to my internet search, a youth conference is a large-scale event held for a few days, and often hosted by Christian ...

Blitzing Sodom

Tim Weir | January 04, 2016

Youth Witness 

When I was 10, I would play pickup tackle football for hours. Since we didn’t have linemen and I was a boy of ample proportions, I was always ...

From the Mountaintop

Michaela Williams | November 02, 2015

Youth Witness 

The Theological Foundations Backpacking (TFB) trip is a once-in-a-lifetime, I-will-remember-this-for-as-long-as-I-live experience. You may have seen ...

A Day Set Apart

Katie Klaassen | September 09, 2015

Youth Witness 

This summer I was blessed with the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Theological Foundations for Youth (TFY) program held at the Reformed ...

Youth, Travel, and Skype Psalm Sings

Lydia Goerner | May 06, 2015

Youth Witness 

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Ps. 133:1). When David wrote Psalm 133, I don’t think he meant that it is only ...

Winterlude 2014

June 02, 2014

Youth Witness 

For the past 12 years, the Ottawa, Ont., RPC has hosted a youth retreat in February. This retreat overlaps with the Canadian Winterlude festival that ...

Horrors of a Holocaust

December 01, 2013

Youth Witness 

The agonizing cries, which could only proceed from the most tortured of human souls, pierced the silence of my imagination. I could almost smell the ...

RP Student Develops Software, Wins Award

March 01, 2013

Youth Witness 

Geolocation is the process of determining where a photo or video was taken. Counter terrorism, environmental monitoring, disaster relief and robot ...

Are You Needed There?

November 01, 2012

Youth Witness 

Being a Reformed Presbyterian pastor’s kid is a blessing and a challenge at the same time. Growing up with a vast amount of biblical teaching around ...

Developing a Heart for India

September 26, 2012

Youth Witness 

The scent of jasmine and coconut oil from the hair of little girls filled the room as the children lined up. Happy, excited chatter in the Kannada ...

Youth Camp at Dixon’s Creek

July 30, 2012

Youth Witness 

If you asked us, “What is your favorite place in the whole world?” we would both tell you without hesitation, “Dixon’s Creek Reformed ...

Life as a Third-Culture Kid

June 01, 2012

Youth Witness 

I call Colorado my home. It is not because I’m ashamed that I grew up in China; quite the contrary. I’m very thankful that the Lord gave me that ...

Helping Youth Take up the Faith

June 01, 2012

Youth Witness 

Because I’m a public school teacher by day, I’ve been deeply invested in the success of young people for quite some time. I’ve always desired ...

We are the Future of the Church!

April 13, 2012

Youth Witness 

We are excited about how the Lord has and will continue to work in the youth of the church. “Young People’s Societies” began in the Reformed ...

Pacific Coast Holds First Youth Conference

May 01, 2011

Youth Witness 

How many young people throughout the RPCNA have a winter youth conference they can attend? Many, if not all, presbyteries have opportunities outside ...