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Preach It!

Barry York | May/June 2021 Issue


Editor’s note: We are pleased to offer this new regular feature, written by different faculty members of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological ...

Faithfulness and Fruitfulness

Adam Kuehner and Craig Scott | May/June 2019 Issue


There is a common saying in Reformed circles that goes something like this: “We are called to faithfulness, not fruitfulness.” There is some truth ...

Hitting the Streets

Adam Kuehner with Craig Scott | March/April 2019 Issue

Theme Articles /  Series 

The world is in a state of crisis. Politically, economically, morally, and spiritually, there can be no doubt that man’s best efforts to create a ...

Open-Air Preaching

Craig Scott and Adam Kuehner | January/February 2019 Issue


If there is one déjà vu moment that makes every street preacher cringe, it is encountering a professing Christian on the street who strongly objects ...

Going Where the Lost Are

Craig Scott and Adam Kuehner | November/December 2018 Issue

Theme Articles /  Series 

Introduction When you see a man preaching on the street corner, what enters your mind? Common reactions include, Is this really biblical? Aren’t ...

The Soul of the Plowboy

Kyle Borg | January 05, 2015

Theme Articles /  Series 

In the glow of summer’s setting sun, I can sit on my front step and could, if not for the slight incline in the street, see the full length of the ...

Strengthening Rural Congregations

Wade Mann | January 05, 2015

Theme Articles /  Series 

There has always been a sort of rivalry or prejudice between city dwellers and country dwellers. Aesop’s fable of “The Town Mouse and the Country ...

Lessons in Rural Life

Emily Wood | January 05, 2015

Theme Articles /  Series 

You’re taking us where?” This was my reaction when Sterling RP Church became a potential call for my husband. “Sterling, America,” as it calls ...

Our Emotions and the Psalms

November 05, 2014

Theme Articles /  Series 

One of the joys of doing ministry in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America is having the opportunity to introduce people to the wonder of ...

My Journey into Psalm Singing

November 05, 2014

Theme Articles /  Series 

I was not raised in a covenant home or in the Reformed tradition of psalm singing or catechizing. I was raised in an American Baptist congregation, ...

Arranging the Psalter in Your Head and Heart

Brad Johnston | November 05, 2014

Theme Articles /  Series 

Because God so loved His people in all ages and nations, He gave us 150 God-breathed Psalms. It is a gracious and delightful provision that our Savior ...

The Promise of Suffering

August 01, 2014

Series /  Devotionals 

How do you respond when you are told you are going to suffer? A few weeks ago my doctor told me my PSA levels were a bit high. I made an appointment ...