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REmaker Work Conference

Mark Sampson | November 02, 2015

Agency Features /  Seminary 

When you live in an older house, there tend to be a lot of things that go wrong. When that house is a large mansion built in the late 1800s, this is ...

What’s Keeping You?

Jerry O'Neill | May 06, 2015

Agency Features /  Seminary 

So what’s keeping you from talking to your session about one of the most important decisions you will ever make? What’s keeping you from seeking ...

Seasoning from Around the World

November 05, 2014

Agency Features /  Seminary 

It was a delightful spring evening. The sun gently warmed the soil as plants and trees exploded in a broad spectrum of colors. The harsh winter, now a ...

Training Shepherds Here, There, and Everywhere

June 02, 2014

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Paul (name changed for security purposes) is ready for the seminary lecture, Introduction to Reformed Theology. Neatly arrayed around him are his ...

Following in the Footsteps

December 01, 2013

Agency Features /  Seminary 

So that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord (Ps. 102:18b). As his words flowed from the open classroom door, his voice was thoughtful, ...

The Lord’s Orchard

May 01, 2013

Agency Features /  Seminary 

For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from ...

RPTS Renames Its Main Building

November 01, 2012

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Almost immediately after the formation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, plans were set in motion to establish a denominational ...

Commencement 2012

June 01, 2012

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Each spring, Dr. and Mrs. O’Neill, along with Mark and Sharon Sampson, host a dessert for graduating seniors. While sampling delicious baked goods ...

Signing Up for Deep Study and Hard Work

November 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Poll all seniors in high school about their definition of summer fun, and spending three weeks in deep theological study and performing manual labor ...

New RP Students

November 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Fall is a time of change in Pennsylvania. God directs the trees to take on new hues. Some animals prepare for hibernation, while others begin long ...

RPTS Announces 2011 Graduates

May 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary 

The board of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) is pleased to announce the graduating class of 2011. “It is interesting to note ...

RPCNA Brings Important Training to East Asia

May 01, 2011

Agency Features /  Seminary /  News /  Missions News 

Johannes Geerhardus (J. G.) Vos was without question one of the most influential men in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America in the 20th ...

Thanking a Faithful God

October 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

On June 24, the bicentennial of the Lord’s faithfulness to the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) was celebrated at the Heinz History ...

Because of the Lord That Is Faithful

May 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Before the telephone. Before the electric telegraph. Even before the Pony Express. RPTS was equipping men to herald the news—the good news of Jesus ...

‘Treason Against Heaven, Sanctioned by Law’

February 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Rev. Alexander McLeod penned the following words in a chilling cry of exhortation to his church and the nation in his 1802 work, Negro Slavery ...

Two Centuries of Sola Scriptura

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

My task here is to offer some ruminations from the viewpoint of a historian—neither a pastor nor a theologian—about why the Reformed Presbyterian ...

RPTS: A Seminary on the Move

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Not unlike other older seminaries, RPTS occupied various homes in several states in its early years. This was due to the fact that the seminary would ...

Get to Know Your RPTS Faculty

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Full-Time Faculty Richard C. Gamble: Professor of Systematic Theology since 2005. Teaching with the kind of passion that students have said ...