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Missions News  Category RSS Feed

This is a regular column of summaries of foreign missions news, currently titled "Missions News" in the print magazine; but it can also include other missions news from Around the Church in the print magazine.

Blast from the Past —“Olds” from 1972

January 01, 2009

News /  Congregational News /  Missions News 

Mission Work in Japan Witness readers have been aware of the fact that a new psalter has been a great need. The exciting part now is that the final ...

In Life and in Death

Patricia Boyle | June 08, 2008

Agency Features /  Global Missions /  News /  Missions News 

March 15 was a warm spring day under a cloudless sky. The mimosa tree in the yard next to the Okamoto Keiyaku RP Church glowed with the brightest of ...

My View

Charity Blackwood | September 09, 2006

News /  Missions News 

For me, it started in June 2005. My family and I were on an ECHO missions trip in Ft. Meyers, Fla. One morning, my dad got an email from Alastair ...

Ministry Down Under

Ed Blackwood | September 09, 2006

News /  Missions News 

In 1986, three events took place that merged into a long-time desire for me to labor in Australia. First, our family met Alastair McEwen, who ...

Compassion in Calamity

Jamie Dean (editor of EP News) | January 01, 2005

News /  Missions News /  World News 

On Sunday morning, Dec. 26, a small group of Christians gathered for worship in a church on the Kanchipuram shore of Southern India. Sometime around ...

Around the Church

January 01, 2005

News /  Congregational News /  Denominational News /  Missions News 

Hebron (Clay Center, Kan.) RPC Ronald Graham, pastor A men’s retreat was hosted by Shawnee last spring. Guest speaker Jim Carson spoke about ...

Around the Church

December 10, 2004

News /  Congregational News /  Denominational News /  Missions News 

Sterling, Kan., RPC Derek Miller, pastor Christy West, wife of Jason West, was received into membership upon profession of faith on Aug. 29, the day ...