What’s a Denomination?
November 21, 2008
What is a denomination? People will answer this question in a variety of ways. Perhaps members of varying denominations will answer it differently. ...
November 21, 2008
What is a denomination? People will answer this question in a variety of ways. Perhaps members of varying denominations will answer it differently. ...
November 21, 2008
Out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the ...
November 21, 2008
Prof. C. J. Williams’ article in this issue, “Why I Hunt,” has been in our manuscript file since the end of last year’s hunting season. In the ...
November 21, 2008
College Hill RPC Location: Beaver Falls, Pa. Presbytery: Alleghenies Organized: July 1, 1896 Membership: 232 communicant; 70 ...
November 21, 2008
Not long ago, an author from Kansas heard of a retired pastor who she thought had a story worth telling. She featured him on her blog site as the ...
November 21, 2008
In 1890, a member of the Wilkinsburg Reformed Presbyterian Church lost her hand. Unable to work and therefore unable to support herself, she applied ...
November 21, 2008
Memory: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” (Acts 16:31) Think of the strangest thing that ever happened to you. Then ...
November 21, 2008
Quinter, Kan, RPC Steven Work, pastor The fall season is giving some good weather days for working on the exterior of the church building. Some ...
November 12, 2008
Jesus and the apostles were returning from a time of ministry, in which there had been “many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as ...
C.J. Williams | November 10, 2008
As we have seen in previous months, the themes of suffering and persecution form a strain of messianic imagery in the Psalms, reflected particularly ...
October 11, 2008
Kita-Suzurandai RP Mission Station Location: Kobe, Japan Presbytery: Japan Membership: 20 communicants; 2 baptized Pastor (domestic missionary of ...
October 08, 2008
In one of her poignant emails, Julie Pilling referred to the biblical account of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Challenged by the king to worship him ...
October 08, 2008
These are excerpts of Julie Pilling’s emails to her family, friends, and prayer warriors. For sake of space, much detail was omitted, including some ...
October 08, 2008
Romans 8:6 sets forth a simple contrast. “The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (NASB). The word ...
October 08, 2008
Governors make better presidents. U.S. senators don’t do so well in the highest political office, most of the time. This theory can work for ...
October 08, 2008
Like any denomination, the face of the RPCNA is as diverse as its members. With countless stories and memories, they bring their testimonies of ...
October 08, 2008
During Noah’s time, God offered a way to save people from dying in the flood. Nobody but Noah’s family believed that God would save them. If they ...
Richard B. Weir | October 07, 2008
Ridgefield Park RPC Location: Ridgefield Park, N. J. Presbytery: Atlantic Organized: 1797 Membership: 30 communicant; 6 baptized Pastor: J. Bruce ...
October 01, 2008
Psalm 68 Psalm Category: Community Song of Gratitude Central Thought: God is to be praised for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will ...
September 09, 2008
San Diego RPC Location: San Diego, Calif. Presbytery: Pacific Coast Organized: Mar. 30, 1954 Membership: 22 communicant; 13 baptized Pastor: D. ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...