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United in Southern California

San Diego RPC

   | Columns, Congregation of the Month | September 09, 2008

San Diego RPC

Location: San Diego, Calif.

Presbytery: Pacific Coast

Organized: Mar. 30, 1954

Membership: 22 communicant; 13 baptized

Pastor: D. Mark England


Pastor J. D. Edgar started having Bible classes in his living room and garage on Sept. 2, 1951. Ten people attended in the beginning, but the group quickly grew so that they had to use seven garages. In November of that same year, they started the search for a place to build a church. They found a site in March 1952 and the new building was dedicated on May 17, 1953. Since the time of its organization, this congregation has seldom had a pastor for more than a few years at a time. The current pastor has expressed a desire to shepherd the congregation for a long time, hopefully until retirement.

Unity in the Work

Despite its small size, this congregation has been able to achieve a lot of things by the members working together. Funds were pooled to improve landscaping around the church building. Pastor England was able to broadcast some of his sermons on the radio for a while. The church has been able to do a large amount of mercy work—giving help to troubled people who visit the church.


Current activities of the congregation include worship morning and evening every Sunday; prayer meeting on Wednesdays; classes in biblical Greek on Fridays; meals at the church on the first Sunday of the month; members of the church going door-to-door handing out information about the church on the first Tuesday of the month; joint worship with Covenant Reformed Chapel in the evening on the fourth Sunday of the month; and psalm sings at people’s houses several times a year.

Prayer Requests 1. That the San Diego church would grow in numbers. 2. That God would provide the church with more elders.