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Celebrating a Milestone

February 01, 2010

Congregation of the Month 

Christ Covenant RPC Location: Lawrence, Kan. Presbytery: Midwest Membership: 55 communicant; 17 baptized Organized: 1970 Pastor: John McFarland ...

Brief Notes, Feb. 2010

February 01, 2010

News /  Denominational News 

Births Rice, Kaetlyn Mae, to Ben and Diana Rice, Dec. 14. Joins brother Grant and sister Nora. (College Hill [Beaver Falls, Pa.] RPC) Schaefer, ...

Any Hope for a Misgoverned World?

Gordon J. Keddie | February 01, 2010

Psalm of the Month 

It was Lord Acton who, in 1887, famously wrote, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad ...

A Lasting Legacy of Learning in Selma, Alabama

February 01, 2010

News /  Congregational News 

Knox Hall and the Selma Reformed Presbyterian Church building stand side by side in living testimony to the dignity restored to men and women when the ...

‘Treason Against Heaven, Sanctioned by Law’

February 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Rev. Alexander McLeod penned the following words in a chilling cry of exhortation to his church and the nation in his 1802 work, Negro Slavery ...

Two Centuries of Sola Scriptura

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

My task here is to offer some ruminations from the viewpoint of a historian—neither a pastor nor a theologian—about why the Reformed Presbyterian ...

The House My Mother Built

January 01, 2010

Kids Page 

Memory Verse: “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in ...

RPTS: A Seminary on the Move

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Not unlike other older seminaries, RPTS occupied various homes in several states in its early years. This was due to the fact that the seminary would ...

Redemption FM

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Global Missions 

Weer Bei FM (Redemption FM) is a Christian community radio ministry that is preparing itself for great impact. The Cush4Christ Sudan team, a mission ...

Open Your Mouth Wide!

Gordon J. Keddie | January 01, 2010

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 81 Psalm Category: Song of Lament Central Thought: Public worship is for glorifying God and receiving His instruction—that is, praising His ...

Newscan, Jan. 2010

January 01, 2010

News /  World News 

Title: Newscan, Jan. 2010 Date: Jan. 1, 2010 1,960 Christians Killed in Iraq Since War Began, Says Survey Around 1,960 Christians were killed by ...

Leaving the Light On

January 01, 2010


The dark paneled walls of the Seminary’s mansion-turned-classrooms fascinated me as a child. Carved, eerie faces in the stately furniture from the ...

God’s Jealousy: Learn & Live

Dennis J. Prutow | January 01, 2010

Learn & Live 

You are not to make, worship, or serve idols. Why? God gives the answer in Exodus 20:5-6. “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the ...

Get to Know Your RPTS Faculty

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Full-Time Faculty Richard C. Gamble: Professor of Systematic Theology since 2005. Teaching with the kind of passion that students have said ...

Faithful Hananiahs

January 01, 2010

Agency Features /  Seminary 

Hananiah, as we are told in the book of Nehemiah, was a faithful man and feared God above many. His name means “the Lord’s grace.” One ...

Brief Notes, January 2010

January 01, 2010

News /  Congregational News 

Births Bower, Ella Jane, to Sam and Shanna Bower, Aug. 28. (College Hill [Beaver Falls, Pa.] RPC) Brown, Charles Isaac, to Pastor Charles and Miriam ...

Around the Church

January 01, 2010

News /  Congregational News 

RPTS and Geneva College Announce New Three-and-Three Program Students interested in pursuing seminary after college can save a year of classes and ...

Congregation of the Month: A Colorful History

January 01, 2010

Congregation of the Month 

Oswego RPC Location: Oswego, N.Y. Presbytery: St. Lawrence Membership: 86 communicant; 16 baptized Organized: 1980 Pastor: “Kit” Schwartz ...