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Jesus Held Up

Theresa Bloom | September/October 2024 Issue


The conference had ended, but we were stuck in our room for at least another night, unable to think how we might get home. My husband, Nick, was on ...

The Poetry of Suffering

C.J. Williams | September/October 2024 Issue

Agency Features /  Publications 

Job 3 begins the lengthy dialogue that will occupy most of the book of Job. It is a dialogue with dark overtones—focusing on such difficult subjects ...

Strong in Vermont

Nathaniel Pockras | September/October 2024 Issue

RP History 

In the early years of American independence, eastern Vermont was one of the Reformed Presbyterian Church’s strongest regions, due to an unusual ...


Andrew Kerr | September/October 2024 Issue

Gentle Reformation 

Introductory Remarks The prophet Zechariah, grandson of Iddo, born of priestly stock, had a name—“Yah remembers”—that reminds saints in ...

Two Experiences of RPIC

Charity Williams and Alice Odom | September/October 2024 Issue

Agency Features /  RP International Conference /  Youth Witness 

A Fresh Perspective on RPIC by Charity Williams The 2024 Reformed Presbyterian International Conference was a blessing to me in more ways than one. ...