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Sharon (Morning Sun, Iowa) RPC
Bryan Schneider, pastor
“All for the Glory of God” was the theme of our vacation Bible school. Our rural congregation has much to give glory to God about. We’ve been blessed with sermons that have enriched our faith; competent guest ministers in times when our pastor was attending conferences, a mission trip, or on vacation; couples and families of various age groups new to our congregation; and many opportunities for growth and fellowship.
Between the completion of our pastor’s teaching series on the book of Mark and his next sermon series, the elders encouraged suggestions from the congregation. Several enriching subjects were mentioned, including building relationships within a congregation with a significant geographical spread.
We continue to be blessed by the attendance of new couples and families of all ages. Just a few years ago, our Sunday school had very few children. This prompted prayers for more families with children. God has answered those prayers. Several families with no previous connection to Reformed theology now attend our church. Only God could answer our prayers in such unexpected ways.
In addition to the various study and fellowship groups that have met regularly for several years, two new groups have formed. The Titus 2 Fellowship is a women’s group that meets monthly for study, fellowship, and multigenerational mentoring. A group of faithful men from our congregation have joined forces with Christian men from other congregations and have developed a local Trail Life troop for boys. Their Christ-centered emphasis on developing boys into men is a unique feature for our current era.
The deacon board has also worked to accommodate the needs of families as they work toward developing the church yard into a place in which the children can play creatively and safely.
—Terri Hutcheson, correspondent
Orlando, Fla., RPC
Nathan Eshelman, pastor
Our congregation has been honored and blessed to have hosted a variety of gifted men who have opened the Word of God during recent services: May 26—Brad Johnston, pastor of Topeka, Kan., RPC; June 16—Aldo Leon, pastor of Pinelands (Cutler Bay, Fla.) PCA; June 23—Nathan Marquardt, pastoral intern at Reformation OPC in Oviedo, Fla.; June 30—Mike Glodo, professor of practical theology at RTS in Orlando, Fla.
On July 14, the congregation welcomed new communicant and baptized members into the church: Emmanuel and Kasey Gonzales, Elizabeth Joyner, and Nathan and Becky Watson (who saw their daughter Bonnie Mae baptized as well). A celebratory lunch followed in the fellowship hall.
—Louise Turmenne, correspondent