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NAPARC Meets in North Carolina

Ralph A. Pontier, NAPARC Secretary, and Drew Gordon, RP Witness editor | November 19, 2021

News /  World News /  Web Exclusives 

The 46th annual meeting of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC) took place Nov. 9-11 at Shiloh Orthodox Presbyterian Church ...


Colin Doyle | November/December 2021 Issue


It seems we live in an age where identity is very important. As a child, I would have identified as scared of my abusive father. Growing into my ...

Celebrating Two Centuries

Abigail Archer, Maggie Becker, and Rich Holdeman | November/December 2021 Issue

Theme Articles /  News /  Congregational News 

On the second weekend in August, a group of over 250 people gathered from all over the United States, and even from other countries, in a small town ...

Music to Our Ears

Patricia Boyle | November/December 2021 Issue

Agency Features /  RP Home 

With the great need of finding people equipped to give Christ-centered care, there’s all the more reason to thank God for Mindy Cable. Many readers ...

We Need Preachers

Barry York | November/December 2021 Issue

Agency Features /  Seminary 

We live in an unprecedented time. Pulpits throughout the land are empty. (Currently, more than a dozen pulpits are open in the RPCNA.) Opportunities ...