A Few Minutes with Rosaria Butterfield
Rosaria Butterfield | July 29, 2020
I have been reading some amazing not-yet-published manuscripts that will be coming out soon: • Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the ...
Rosaria Butterfield | July 29, 2020
I have been reading some amazing not-yet-published manuscripts that will be coming out soon: • Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the ...
Tom Fisher | July/August 2020 Issue
Pastor Howe asked me to share some of my own experiences as an African-American and my thoughts on the recent events relating to the death of George ...
James Faris and Noah Bailey | July/August 2020 Issue
Two families have begun attending my church from well over an hour’s distance. We’re happy to have them worshiping with us, but opportunities for ...
Bonnie Weir | July/August 2020 Issue
As of May 26, Bergen County, N.J., has had 1,529 deaths due to COVID-19, and New York City, only seven miles away, has had 16,410. All of us have lost ...
Bethany Ann O’Neill Hardwig | July/August 2020 Issue
We live in a world that makes it incredibly hard, and at the same time far too easy, to share an opinion on social media. I am more likely to die ...
Heidi Filbert | July/August 2020 Issue
“Dessert tonight is a riddle,” I told the college students as they came in the door. We had made cutout cookies of teddy bears, rocking ...
Nathan Eshelman and Kyle Borg | July/August 2020 Issue
The Westminster Standards are, at times, criticized for being scholastic while lacking practical and experiential value. The first question of the ...
Bob Pinkerton | July/August 2020 Issue
I was born into a Reformed Presbyterian family consisting of my father, mother, two older brothers, and an older sister. Although all but my brother ...
Amanda deBlois | July/August 2020 Issue
The Hudson/St.-Lazare Reformed Presbyterian Church has a long history of knowing God’s faithfulness and goodness from generation to generation. Our ...
Warren Peel | July/August 2020 Issue
James tells us that wisdom shows itself in a range of ways (Jas. 3:13). In fact, the essence of wisdom is knowledge that is applied to real life. Your ...
Ava Concannon | July/August 2020 Issue
For over 35 years, ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization) has ventured where poverty and hunger run rampant as a light for Christ and a ...
Bill Weir | July/August 2020 Issue
The RP Home bids farewell to Lorrie Meneely with much thanksgiving for her 33 years of faithful service. Lorrie has given much of her adult life to ...
Drew Gordon | July/August 2020 Issue
We psalm singers frequently remember that “the nations’ families all will come, to worship and before Him fall” (Psalm 22E, The Book of Psalms ...
Gordon J. Keddie and David G. Whitla | July/August 2020 Issue
“National calamity!” What images do these words bring to your mind? For the prophet Isaiah, it meant an incompetent national government and ...
On the Road with Saint Augustine issues two warnings to the would-be reader, one on the back cover and one on the front. On the back cover, author ...
Lily Larson | July/August 2020 Issue
A handful of teenagers piles out of a white van pulled up next to a gas station pump. The group of boys and girls all start complaining about the ...
Pastor Bryan Schneider and his wife, Olivia, worked endless hours to serve the community by hosting a marriage conference in September. The sanctuary ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...