The World Needs a King
September 17, 2014
The nation of Iraq invades the nation of Kuwait; the world responds and restores Kuwait’s sovereignty. Nazi Germany invades Europe and North Africa; ...
September 17, 2014
The nation of Iraq invades the nation of Kuwait; the world responds and restores Kuwait’s sovereignty. Nazi Germany invades Europe and North Africa; ...
September 17, 2014
This is the testimony of Tomoko Sakai, a member of Higashisuma RPC in Kobe, Japan, as related by Kumiko Kudo, a member of Kitasuzurandai Mission ...
September 17, 2014
Geneva College offers an opportunity for students to experience a purposeful, caring environment, but this experience isn’t limited to the rolling ...
September 17, 2014
Author’s introduction: This book is about Jesus’ dominion, which extends far beyond the church to encompass all people, all governments, all ...
September 17, 2014
Geneva College’s student choir, The Genevans, completed a 21-day, 16-concert international tour of the Philippines and Malaysia this summer. ...
September 17, 2014
Psalm Category: Individual meditations and praises Central Thought: The Bible is the book to be loved because its Author is to be loved Key Words: ...
September 17, 2014
Lois Claerbaut remembers that, when she was interviewed for the shipping clerk position, she was asked if she could commit to 9 months. That was 15 ...
September 17, 2014
Genesis 15:6 is clear: After hearing the promise of God, Abraham “believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.” The Apostle Paul ...
September 17, 2014
A hermeneutic that has captivated many in the Reformed community is often called Vosian biblical theology. Its fount has its source in the writings of ...
September 17, 2014
We kept milk out in the snow because we didn’t have a refrigerator, heated our trailer by keeping the oven door open all night, went to the ...
September 17, 2014
Tri-Lakes RPC Location: Monument, Colo. Organized: Dec. 15, 2013 Members: 36 communicant; 13 baptized Pastor: Alex Tabaka Web: ...
September 17, 2014
Calgary, Alberta, RP Mission Work Daniel Kok, pastor On Saturday, Aug. 2, members of Shelter RP Church of Edmonton gathered in Morinville, Alberta, ...
September 17, 2014
How often do people consider the hard work of our church planters and their wives? Church planting is very tiring work, and it is stressful on many ...
September 17, 2014
Memorize: “But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”—Psalm ...
Location: Elkins Park, Pa. Presbytery: Atlantic Organization: 1851 Membership: 53 communicant; 23 baptized Pastor: John Edgar Website: ...
The work of the Home Mission Board is often understood as just assisting presbyteries in the work of church planting. While this is one of the primary ...
I made my way past Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and down Chandler Street. The smell of fresh corn dogs, tamales, and beer settled with the fading ...
If you go to our website, receive a newsletter, or visit us on social media, you may have noticed the new logo for the Reformed Presbyterian ...