For Nothing Is Impossible with God
October 06, 2010
“For nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37) Dear Grandchildren, On my arrival in Kobryn, I found out that the person whom I was ...
October 06, 2010
“For nothing is impossible with God!” (Luke 1:37) Dear Grandchildren, On my arrival in Kobryn, I found out that the person whom I was ...
October 01, 2010
This poem was presented at the Covenanter International Holiday Conference in Gartmore, Scotland (July 2010) during the Conference Reflections time. ...
October 01, 2010
On June 24, the bicentennial of the Lord’s faithfulness to the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) was celebrated at the Heinz History ...
October 01, 2010
One person’s lyrics can resonate with many, and through the internet can have a long reach. That’s what Sharon Sampson recently found out. She is ...
October 01, 2010
Starting with the belief that God is the source of all truth, education becomes the exciting adventure of seeking to appropriate knowledge in all its ...
October 01, 2010
Atheist Defends Christianity Against Secular Media Political commentator S.E. Cupp is an atheist, yet she defends religion against some of ...
October 01, 2010
If you’re like me, you are wary about vision statements and long-range plans. They seem to come to fruition about as often as New Year’s ...
October 01, 2010
Paul Eugene Faris was born June 27, 1916, in Mayetta, Kan., the second of six children, to Henry and Alice (McCrory) Faris. He was baptized in the ...
October 01, 2010
What are the keys to economic blessing from God? The Old and New Testaments give consistent teaching on this topic. As Paul says in 2 Cor. 9:6-7: He ...
October 01, 2010
Location: Beaver Falls, Pa. Presbytery: Alleghenies Membership: 114 communicant; 25 baptized Founded (by merger): 2005 Pastor: Bruce Backensto ...
Dennis J. Prutow | October 01, 2010
You shall not murder” (Ex. 20:13). The sixth commandment forbids direct assaults on God’s image bearers. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man ...
October 01, 2010
Births Allyn, Judah Knox, Apr. 25, to Joe and Maggie (Knoph) Allyn. Grandparents are Darryl and Carolyn Knoph, and Gloria and the late Pastor Robert ...
October 01, 2010
Psalm 89 Psalm Category: Song of the Covenant Central Thought: God’s mercies are for all His people forever in His Savior-King. God’s kingdom ...
The only congregation of the RPCNA in the state of Wyoming is in Laramie, a small city sprawled across a broad valley along Interstate 80 where the ...
Though unfamiliar to some, since at least Augustine it’s commonplace to speak of man’s fourfold state: the state of innocency, the state of ...
Having grown up in the midst of war-torn Iran and in a strictly Muslim family, at age nine Naghmeh Panahi nonetheless heard the Word of God and ...
I recently learned that quite a few people inquire with the RP Witness for practical suggestions on how congregations can find encouragement for ...