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Significant Suffering

July 11, 2007

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 54 Psalm Category: Psalm of Individual Lament Central Thought: David relies on God in suffering, and that suffering foreshadows what David’s ...

The Trajectory of Unbelief

July 08, 2007

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm 53 Psalm Category: Lament Psalm Central Thought: Psalm 53 is a timeless assesment of all those who foolishly rebel against the Lord. As David ...

Punishment by God on the Wicked: 2 Peter 2:1-22

Virginia McBurney | July 01, 2007

Kids Page 

When you are reading your Bible, you will notice that God often punishes the wicked. In the time of Noah, the people had gotten so wicked, that God ...

Toward a Continuum of Care

July 01, 2007

Agency Features /  RP Home 

T hroughout the Bible, God calls His people to remember that He acts in history and knows the end from the beginning. We can exclaim with the ...

De Regno Christi: Designs on Rome

Bill Edgar | July 01, 2007

Did the Christian church have designs on the civil order of Rome from its beginnings in Jerusalem? The structure and content of the book of ...

De Regno Christi: An Eye Toward Christendom

William H. Chellis | July 01, 2007

Accidental Christendom? Was Christendom an accident? Did a shrewd and manipulative pagan politician named Constantine sully the purity of apostolic ...

Praise with Resounding Cymbals

Dennis J. Prutow | July 01, 2007

Learn & Live 

As we discussed in last month’s column, God instituted the use of trumpets in worship through Moses. God instituted the use of cymbals in worship ...

Setbacks and Surprises

Jennifer Herron | July 01, 2007

Theme Articles 

It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He giveth His beloved sleep. —Psalm 127B, The Book of ...

Seeking the Lost Coin

Stacie Shopp | July 01, 2007

Theme Articles 

At an international missions conference last year, I sat to chat with a gal my age who worked with women in Greece. I remember thinking, What does her ...

Presenting the Gospel

John M. L. Young | July 01, 2007

Theme Articles 

This is an excerpt of a classic book, The Motive and Aim of Missions, which has just been released in a second edition by Crown & Covenant ...

Through the Fire

Brandon Fisher | July 01, 2007


“How do you like Australia?” a new acquaintance asked in late August. “Yeah, it’s been good,” I replied with a bit of a grin. “We ...

Did Your Great-Great-Grandparents Pray for Us?

July 01, 2007

Congregation of the Month 

Christ Church Reformed Location: New Hartford, N.Y. Presbytery: St. Lawrence Organized: Mar. 4, 1999, as a daughter of Oswego RPC Membership: 31 ...


July 01, 2007

Letters to the Editor 

A Democracy? We were surprised to read in the Reformed Presbyterian Witness (May issue, De Regno Christi) that “the United States and Canada are ...

Fiery Trials

Drew Gordon | July 01, 2007


When we saw the gray smoke escaping like a thief from the church windows, we weren’t thinking about the building. We were thinking about the people ...