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Longing for Home

January 02, 2005

Psalm of the Month 

Psalm Category: Psalm of Lament Central Thought: Psalm 26 reminds us that it is only through the mercy and redeeming love of God that we make it ...

In Memoriam: Preston Carson

Ray Morton | January 01, 2005

News /  Congregational News /  Denominational News 

Preston Adams Carson, 78, of Pinckneyville, Ill., was born on June 4, 1926, in Oakdale, Ill. He died Monday, Sept. 20, 2004, at Pinckneyville ...

Darkness and Light

Virginia McBurney | January 01, 2005

Kids Page 

Read Psalm 139:7-12. Answer the questions. Then, unscramble the letters below. —What people groups are mentioned? —What does it say about God? ...

Wilder than God

Interview by Drew Gordon | January 01, 2005


Rut Etheridge has traveled a long road from his birthplace in Massachusetts, to his teen years in Indiana, to college in Ohio, where he met his wife, ...


Drew Gordon | January 01, 2005


The thing that changes fastest in our world might just be the rapidity of change itself. In such a world, publications are not infrequently born and ...

Taking Back New England

Betty Burger | January 01, 2005

Agency Features /  Home Missions 

On an average Lord’s Day morning at a traditional New England grange hall in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, a small but faithful band of four ...

RP Youth—Of Long Ago

Bekah Troup and Avery Mann | January 01, 2005

Youth Witness 

Whether it’s the weekly youth meeting, a service project, party, or presbytery youth retreat, we’re familiar with the way RP youth groups are ...


January 01, 2005

News /  World News 

Pro-Family Conservative Lands White House Post President Bush has tapped Claude Allen, currently deputy secretary of the Department of Health and ...

How About a Game of Croquinole?

Bruce C. Stewart | January 01, 2005

RP Living 

All work and no play make Jack a dull Christian.” I remember my dad saying that on numerous occasions. Not that he neglected work. He was ...

David and Jesus

Dennis J. Prutow | January 01, 2005

Learn & Live 

Long after King David passed from the scene, God promised, “Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will ...

Compassion in Calamity

Jamie Dean (editor of EP News) | January 01, 2005

News /  Missions News /  World News 

On Sunday morning, Dec. 26, a small group of Christians gathered for worship in a church on the Kanchipuram shore of Southern India. Sometime around ...

Around the Church

January 01, 2005

News /  Congregational News /  Denominational News /  Missions News 

Hebron (Clay Center, Kan.) RPC Ronald Graham, pastor A men’s retreat was hosted by Shawnee last spring. Guest speaker Jim Carson spoke about ...