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Getting to Know the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

   | | June 03, 2015 | Read time: one minute

On June 8-12 the Reformed Presbyterian Synod will be meeting at the same time as the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod (ARP) at the Bonclarken Conference Grounds in Flat Rock, N.C.

As these two denominations meet concurrently (with some joint sessions for worship and cooperation), many RPs are seeking to know more about their ARP brothers and sisters. What follows are links to articles from the Feb. 2011 RP Witness archives. Also look for the daily news roundups on this site from June 8-12.

Getting to Know the ARP Church

A Brief History of the ARP Church

A History of Erskine Theological Seminary

RP Witness Viewpoint: Are Interchurch Relationships a Waste of Time?

For more updates, check this page or find us on Facebook and Twitter. @RPWitnessMag

For Synod updates from the ARP Church, go to or find The ARP Magazine on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #arpmagazine #ARPCsynod2015