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Why Geneva? Why Now?

RP students answer

  —Emily Walker | Features, Agency Features, Geneva College | Issue: March/April 2019

Attending the only Reformed Presbyterian college in the world comes with its blessings and challenges. Misconceptions regarding the Geneva College experience inevitably surface from time to time. Some people have perhaps assumed Geneva is just another way to keep RP students in a protective bubble, sheltered from the outside world. However, my own experiences as an RP student at Geneva have proven these statements wrong.

I had the privilege of gathering with a group of four other Reformed Presbyterian students to discuss how our faith has been affected during our time studying on this campus. The students, sophomores Elaina Tweed and Dan Townsend, junior Adam Hall, and senior Spencer York, discussed with me the experience of being RP at a college that unapologetically integrates faith in Jesus Christ and RP doctrine into all learning.

Regardless of church background, Geneva is a place where students find spiritual hope and encouragement. Geneva is home to students of ...